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Re: Data on the y axis

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Set the Min and Step properties of the Axis:

ChartFX.Axis(AXIS_Y).Min = 1000

ChartFX.Axis(AXIS_Y).STEP = 50


uba <unnur@kveikir.is> wrote in message news:DZ8Cjc7pAHA.1804@sfxserver.softwarefx.com...

> Hi all,


> I have a chart which has values on the y axis from about 1000 to 1500, but

> the chart showes the y axis with labels from 0 - 1500. I would like to have

> only the 1000 to 1500 appear (like 1000 - 1050 - 1100 etc) and I can't find

> any articles on how to do it.

> Does anyone know how to do this? Any help would be great!


> Thank you,

> uba



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