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Problem with Label and KeyLabel properties

User (Legacy)

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How am I supposed to to get the text label of an axis?  For example, if I do

the following:

ICfxAxisPtr cpAxis; // Let's assume that this is pointing to AXIS_X

cpAxis->Label[0] = "MyLabel"

CString strLabel = cpAxis->Label[0]; // Crash here...

I end up with a crash because the Label property isn't correctly returning a

string. It is returning garbage. I have tried using get_Label instead and

passing my own string that I allocated more than enough storage for and it

still didn't work. If I view the chart, the label certainly is being set

correctly but I cannot seem to get the value out once I have set it. I

think that it is also important to note that the HRESULT returned by these

methods are S_OK. Which would lead me to imply that it was successful. The

same behavior occurs with the KeyLabel property.

NOTE: Am using the DLL version of ChartFX (


Dustin Norman

Lead Software Engineer

Zoftech Inc. - Get Work Done


v: 603-598-7563 x203


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