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Re: last label on X or Y axis apppears bold when using AS_SHOWENDS

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I've never had this trouble but first thought, "ignore" the problem and make all labels bold.

Do you do anything else to the X axis?


Joe Westersund <jwesters@epri.com> wrote in message news:YNVDLU$WAHA.3124@sfxserver.softwarefx.com...

> Hello!


> I'm having a small problem with the formatting of some graphs. I'm

> making a 2D line graph, with each point having an X and Y value.


> I have set both the X and Y axis to show a label for the end point on

> the axis, using


> ChartFX1.Axis(AXIS_Y).Style = ChartFX1.Axis(AXIS_Y).Style Or AS_SHOWENDS


> and


> ChartFX1.Axis(AXIS_X).Style = ChartFX1.Axis(AXIS_X).Style Or AS_SHOWENDS


> This works OK, except that, depending on the input data, the last label on

> either axis appears to be in bold text - my guess is that the last label on

> the axis is overlapping with another label that is placed right next to it.

> Setting AS_NOTCLIPPED either on or off does not appear to make a difference.

> I've attached a copy of a sample graph to this email, so you can see what I

> mean.


> Any advice for me?


> Joe Westersund

> (650) 855 - 8724




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