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Cfx98: Bug in displaying stacked series? (...plus one more bug?)

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I did observe a weird behaviour when I displayed 3 series

where the first two were stacked. The attachment contains

four saved charts for illustration (ZClusBug.zip, about 4.4kB).

The mentioned problem is clearly visible when CH3.CHD

and CH4.CHD are compared visually. They both differ only

in the Cluster property of the chart which was changed

using the Tool bar button (icon) "Z-Cluster".

It is clearly visible that when Z-Clustering is off the

order of stacked series is reversed in comparison with

the case when the Z-Clustering is on. I.e., the serie 1

is stacked on the top of the serie 0 in the CH3 case,

while the serie 0 is stacked on the top of the serie 1 in

the CH4 case. When you use the "ActiveX Control Test

container", you can see also the serie indices when you

point to the value bar.

When you look at CH1.CHD and CH2.CHD, you cannot observe

the same behaviour. The only difference is that the

charts contain only two series, while CH3 and CH4 chart

contain one more serie which makes the "Z-Cluster"

display different. The CH1 has Z-Clustering switched off,

the CH2 on.

I am using Chart FX 98 version

Second problem (or bug):


When you try to display the tool tip for the first column

in CH1 (for example), you always get the tool tip for the

bottom value of the stacked ones (flat and wide bars

stacked). Even in the second column, where the y value of

both stacked values makes pointing to the bars easier,

the tool tip belongs to the bottom serie even in points

where one would expect the tool tip of the top serie.

It looks as if the bars were transparent and the

enveloping shape were used for detection of the serie

while it should behave (for a userr) as if he/she wanted

to get the tool tip for the pointed colour.

Is it well known problem? Any comment?




Petr Prikryl, SKIL s.r.o., e-mail: prikrylp at skil dot cz

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