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A strange problem

User (Legacy)

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Hi Frank, 

I've just come to a strange problem and can't understand what I am doing


Please see at the attached xaxis3.chd file. It was created by CFX 3.0.

The x-axis labels should be in form "20.01.1999 10:00:00".

If I load this file by the provided CFX 98 sample application, the labels

are the same.

However, if I load the file by our application, the x-axis labels change to

"1/20/99 10:00:00 AM". (see xaxis4.chd)

And I can't understand why.

I checked the application under the debugger and found the only place when

the lables are changed.


pXAxis->Label[i] = (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)strLegend;


But values of strLegend are always in correct form, i.e. "20.01.1999


What can make the chart to display date/time labels differently?

Thanks in advance,


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