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Having problems "resetting" real time chart data >>>

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Hello again, 

Using VB 6.0 with ChartFx Build

I have a real time chart which needs to be reset once

the user saves the chart's data to a file. I'm using the

following call:

frmMain.livePlot.ClearData CD_VALUES

to clear out the data so I can start with a fresh plot.

After I do this, I get "Invalid property Array Index"

or "Method ValueEx of chart livePlot failed" run

time errors when I subsequently try to add real time data

using OpenDataEx with the COD_ADDPOINTS flag

(which works correctly the first time the chart is run).

Is there a step I'm missing between the ClearData

call and the call to OpenDataEx? I've tried setting

the MaxValues property but this doesn't seem

to help.




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