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Re: From 0 ...

User (Legacy)

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Thanks for the help, Carl, but I'm not clear on your answer.  Using a Real 

Time chart, I insert new points by adding each point at the

'm_pChartFX->ValueEx[Y][0]=' array position. There's not really a FOR loop

involved, the ValueEx[][] is an array, but where would I 'offset it by -1'

as you suggest?



"Carl Hultay" <chultay@idirect.com> wrote in message


> I had that issue too... It's 0 based...


> So if you are using a FOR loop, then start it at zero.

> If you are adding from an array, then offset it by -1


> -- Carl Hultay


> "Tim Shearer" <tshearer@symmetricom.com> wrote in message

> news:DE0379D14694D211B4CE00609770710D050A69@sftfx-221.wamnet.net...

> > My application implements a RealTime XY chart with over 4000

> > points(MaxValue=4000). I insert the points on the left of my graph, and

> > they progress to the right as I add more. An annoyance I have is that

> when

> > the 1st data point is written to the chart, there is a line plotted from


> > to the new point. Thereafter the plotted line looks fine.

> > Q: Is there any way that I could start the first data point by itself,

> not

> > connected to 0 ?

> > Thanks for the help,

> > Tim

> >


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