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Real-Time Chart of Non-Real time Data

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I want to show a chart of data that represents the complete time history 

of a simulation and then move a line along that plot to show the current


The indicator line needs to be updated at least 5Hz. My problem is when I

call my update routine the whole simulation grinds to a halt. I assume that


doing something wrong. Here is the code I'm using to update the constant


IChartFXPtr pChartFX = pchtaCharts[iChartIndex];


pChartFX->ConstantLine->Item[0]->Value = iWindowPosition;

pChartFX->CloseData((CfxCod) (COD_CONSTANTS|COD_SMOOTH));

Is there something that I can do to speed up the update of the constant line

or should I try a different way

of highlighting the current time on the chart?

Thanks for the help.


Steve Rasmussen

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