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Help! Lines missing from series???

User (Legacy)

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Gallery is set to step (behavior is same if gallery is set to lines)

Notice the top series. The YAxis scale is -10 to 10. The first YValue is 8. After some time, I change it to 11. Then, after some time I change it back to 8.

Then, after time, I change it to 10. Then, after time I change it to 8. Then after time I change it to 11 again. Then after a long period of time, back to 8.

Sometimes the line appears and sometimes it doesn't. I can repeat this test exactly and get different portions of the lines to appear/disappear.

Even if the Yvalue being plotted is outside of the YAxis Max I would expect the series line to appear going off the top of the scale as it does in the first

segment of the series. If I resize the chart, portions of the series will appear and disappear. What am I doing wrong?

Please reply in the newsgroup or to dan.folz@iac.honeywell.com. We are almost ready to release our product and I must make the lines stay visible.

I've tried everything I can think of.... Please help.

Dan Folz

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