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Get data currently displayed

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I want to get information about the currently displayed data (after zooming

or scrolling)

How can I get this data?

Some background information:

I use the ChartFX Internet 5.5 (Build 14).

I want to show a statistic about the displayed data after zoom. (e.g. "now

you see 125 values")

Since I don't want to go back to server, I work with Javascript.

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" FOR="ChartAnalyse" EVENT="LButtonUp(X , Y ,

nRes ) ">



// ??? how can I get the data

// I can't use PixelToValue() since I have no idea how I should

implement out-Parameters in Javascript



Another question:

Is there an Event for Zooming? As you see I currently use LButtonUp.

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