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Viewing Chart outside Lan gives problem

User (Legacy)

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Who ever can help ,

Inside or Lan/Wan we have an Intranet Websrever where ChartFX IE2000 is

already successfully used. We now want to enable our customers also to have

a look at these charts. Therefore we have a second webserver "beside" our

Firewall. All the webfiles are "routed" with a Virtual Directory form the

external Websrever to the Intranet Webserver. Except pages where ChartFX is

used everything works.

The Error message we get with ChartFX pages is shown as:


Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0126'

Include file not found

/virtual_factory/motorola/althofen/FPYchart.asp, line 9

The include file '../Include/CfxIE.inc' was not found.


Again, internally it works perfect !

How to fix that ?

Any rules for the usage of ChartFX for Webservers pointing to ChartFX

enabled Webservers with Virtual Directory ??

Your fast help is appreciated !!



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