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XML Properties and URL()

User (Legacy)

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Hey all,

I've noticed that passing in URL information in XML doesn't work properly.

Here is the sample: To get the chart to work properly, you have to

un-comment the lines at the bottom, and remove all the URL( properties from

the xmlProps.

Does somebody have any idea when this will be fixed?


Marc Batchelor

<!-- Include this file so we can use all the ChartFX constants -->

<!-- #include virtual="/Include/CfxIE.inc" -->


Dim xmlProps, xmlData

xmlProps = "<?xml version=""1.0""?> "

xmlProps = xmlProps + "<CHARTFX> "

xmlProps = xmlProps + " <PROP NAME=""TypeMask""


xmlProps = xmlProps + " <PROP NAME=""LeftGap"" VALUE=""5""/>"

xmlProps = xmlProps + " <PROP NAME=""Title(0)"" VALUE=""Units""/>"

xmlProps = xmlProps + " <PROP NAME=""Title(2)"" VALUE=""Product Sales

by Quarter""/>"

xmlProps = xmlProps + " <PROP NAME=""URLOptions"" Value=""24""/>"

xmlProps = xmlProps + " <PROP NAME=""URLParamMask""


xmlProps = xmlProps + " <PROP NAME=""URL(0)""


xmlProps = xmlProps + " <PROP NAME=""URL(1)""


xmlProps = xmlProps + " <PROP NAME=""URL(2)""


xmlProps = xmlProps + " <PROP NAME=""URL(3)""


xmlProps = xmlProps + " <PROP NAME=""URL(4)""


xmlProps = xmlProps + " <PROP NAME=""URL(5)""


xmlProps = xmlProps + " <PROP NAME=""URL(6)""


xmlProps = xmlProps + " <OBJECT NAME=""Axis(2)"">"

xmlProps = xmlProps + " <OBJECT NAME=""Font"">"

xmlProps = xmlProps + " <PROP NAME=""Name"" VALUE=""Verdana""/>"

xmlProps = xmlProps + " <PROP NAME=""Size"" VALUE=""6""/>"

xmlProps = xmlProps + " </OBJECT>"

xmlProps = xmlProps + " <PROP NAME=""LabelAngle"" VALUE=""45""/> "

xmlProps = xmlProps + " </OBJECT> "

xmlProps = xmlProps + "</CHARTFX>"

xmlData = xmlData + "<?xml version=""1.0""?>"

xmlData = xmlData + "<DATA> "

xmlData = xmlData + "<COLUMNS>"

xmlData = xmlData + "<COLUMN NAME=""Product"" TYPE=""String""/>"

xmlData = xmlData + "<COLUMN NAME=""Scenario"" TYPE=""String""/>"

xmlData = xmlData + "<COLUMN NAME=""Q1"" TYPE=""Integer""/>"

xmlData = xmlData + "<COLUMN NAME=""Q2"" TYPE=""Integer""/>"

xmlData = xmlData + "<COLUMN NAME=""Q3"" TYPE=""Integer""/>"

xmlData = xmlData + "<COLUMN NAME=""Q4"" TYPE=""Integer""/>"

xmlData = xmlData + "</COLUMNS>"

xmlData = xmlData + "<ROW Product=""ChartFX 98"" Scenario=""Actual""

Q1=""9200"" Q2=""7835"" Q3=""10245"" Q4=""8762""/>"

xmlData = xmlData + "<ROW Product=""ChartFX IE 3.5""

Scenario=""Budget"" Q1=""14350"" Q2=""11233"" Q3=""16754"" Q4=""15672""/>"

xmlData = xmlData + "<ROW Product=""ReportFX"" Scenario=""Actual""

Q1=""12398"" Q2=""7654"" Q3=""5678"" Q4=""9087""/>"

xmlData = xmlData + "<ROW Product=""Image Toppings""

Scenario=""Budget"" Q1=""8742"" Q2=""12358"" Q3=""14321"" Q4=""8702""/>"

xmlData = xmlData + "<ROW Product=""ChartFX IE 2000""

Scenario=""Actual"" Q1=""15672"" Q2=""17529"" Q3=""16524"" Q4=""7654""/>"

xmlData = xmlData + "<ROW Product=""WebBarFX"" Scenario=""Budget""

Q1=""6890"" Q2=""12389"" Q3=""9804"" Q4=""10723""/>"

xmlData = xmlData + "<ROW Product=""WebTreeFX"" Scenario=""Actual""

Q1=""11320"" Q2=""12908"" Q3=""6521"" Q4=""7590""/>"

xmlData = xmlData + "</DATA>"

Set chart = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer")

' The samples look better in white

chart.RgbBk = RGB(255,255,255)

' Create the XML data provider object

Set SfxXMLProp = Server.CreateObject("SfxXMLData.XMLData")

' Establish the name of the tags. If you ommit to do it these will

be the default values.

SfxXMLProp.BagTagName = "PROP"

SfxXMLProp.BagAttrName = "NAME"

SfxXMLProp.BagAttrValue = "VALUE"

SfxXMLProp.BagTagObject = "OBJECT"

Set SfxXMLVal = Server.CreateObject("SfxXMLData.XMLData")

SfxXMLVal.BagTagName = "PROP"

SfxXMLVal.BagAttrName = "NAME"

SfxXMLVal.BagAttrValue = "VALUE"

SfxXMLVal.BagTagObject = "OBJECT"

SfxXMLVal.LoadFromString xmlData

' Standard Chart FX's method for retrieving data of a data provider

Chart.GetExternalData SfxXMLVal

' Load props AFTER loading data - this allows the font stuff to be


SfxXMLProp.LoadFromString xmlProps

Chart.GetExternalData SfxXMLProp


tipMaskStr = "%s: " + chr(10) + chr(13) + "%v"

chart.TipMask = tipMaskStr


' The URLs dont work when supplied in the XML shown above.

' Instead, you have to use this


' chart.URLOptions = 24

' chart.URLParamMask = "Measure=Sales&Quarter=%s"

' chart.URL(0) =


' chart.URL(1) =


' chart.URL(2) = "http://www.test.com?Product=ReportFX&Scenario=Actual"

' chart.URL(3) =


' chart.URL(4) =


' chart.URL(5) = "http://www.test.com?Product=WebBarFX&Scenario=Budget"

' chart.URL(6) = "http://www.test.com?Product=WebTreeFX&Scenario=Actual"


<%= chart.GetHtmlTag(600,400,"Image") %>

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