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Choosing the color of transparency ?

User (Legacy)

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By default, the ''color'' of transparency is black

(Chart FX: const CHART_TRANSPARENT = &H40000000&

as defined in the CfxIE.inc file)

For PNG images, this color appears when the viewer (for example,

Netscape 4.x browsers, or editing it with Paint Shop Pro)

doesn't support transparency.

We would like to create transparent images with a custom color

for transparency (Internet Explorer would see it as a transparent image,

and for Netscape, this image would blend more or less with our

chosen background)

We have changed the value of this const in the CfxIE.inc file but

it doesn't work, and the transparency color is still black. Is there

a way to change this transparency color (to red, purple, etc.)?




HARVEST - http://www.harvest.fr

Tour Galli

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