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stacked charts

User (Legacy)

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We need to create a stacked chart with negative and positive values on

Y-Axis like what is attached as default.png. The problem is very

inconvenient way of separate stacking of negative and positive values.

The problem becomes even more complicated when we need a series of stacked

elements (default2.png). In this case it doesn't seem possible to create a

chart where 0-point crosses the chart in different sections (assume 8.00

becomes 0 in default2.png)

Is there a way to stack charts in natural order beginning from the minimal

value (ie for default.png in the following order: -2.2, +2.4, +4.0, 2.9,

+3.2, +3)?

Can 0-point be "moved" to the minimal value of Y-axis for stacking purposes?


Nick Simonov


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