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Re: Real Time Charting on XY chart type

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Ok, then I have a follow up question....

Is there an easy way to reference an existing chart on the server. Or in

other words is there a way to get at the "DATAPATH" value that is generated

in the HTML when a chart is produced.

That is, is there a way to somehow collect the DATAPATH value that is

generated when I call

Response.Write( cfxECI.GetHtmlTag("100%","96%"))

And then put the DATAPATH string into a session variable for use by other

pages or the same page after a resubmit ?

If I knew the DATAPATH value then I could write the following HTML via ASP

code and produce the chart again (without re-querying).








<PARAM NAME="LICENSE" VALUE="/license/CfxIE.lic">

<PARAM NAME="DATAPATH" VALUE="/cfxtemp/CFT0112_123310290.chw">


This technique would allow me to periodically resubmit an asp page that

looks for new records AND then only requery the chart if there are new

records. If there are no new records, just re-present the existing chart

that is already on the server.

Jim Miller

Justin Trask wrote:

> Hello,


> Real Time charting is currently not available for the ChartFX IE 2000

> product. We distribute the ChartFX Programmers Guide with the ChartFX

> IE 2000 product that speaks about this functionality but this

> functionality as of right now is only available for ChartFX

> Client/Server. The ChartFX Programmers Guide was originally written for

> the ChartFX Client/Server product but since most of the API is the same

> and the programming practices are the same we decided to distribute this

> help guide with ChartFX IE 2000 but unfortunately a couple of

> discrepancies do exist in the products and one of them is the Real Time

> functionality. We will very soon be introducing a new version of

> ChartFX that will allow Real Time charting over the web. If you want

> information on this new version of ChartFX then please contact our sales

> department at Sales@SoftwareFX.com <mailto:Sales@SoftwareFX.com> .


> In an effort to provide the most advanced solutions in conjunction with

> the most comprehensive technical support structure, Software FX will

> implement a Paid-Support Program beginning January 1, 2001 for all

> existing and future Software FX application users. The specific details

> of the Paid-Support Program will be released in an upcoming broadcast

> e-mail, as well as on our website. Please be aware that the online

> technical support web site at http://support.softwarefx.com

> <http://support.softwarefx.com/> will continue

> to be available without charge.


> Justin Trask

> Software FX

> Please reply to: cfxie@softwarefx.com


> -----Original Message-----

> From: James D. Miller [mailto:james.miller@pnl.gov]

> Posted At: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 7:58 PM

> Posted To: Server

> Conversation: Real Time Charting on XY chart type

> Subject: Real Time Charting on XY chart type


> We are charting 24 hours of time series data with new data arriving as

> often as every two minutes. We would like to avoid sending the whole 24

> hour data set (up to 24 x 30 = 720 points per series) every update. I

> have been reviewing your real-time features in ChartFX, but it appears

> that Real-time charts are constrained to be equal interval x-axis

> charts. I see the CT_EVENSPACING must be applied to the Chart type

> property.


> Is there a way to add (only) new data to an XY chart if the time series

> is not equal interval ?


> Jim Miller


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