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ChartFX import method

User (Legacy)

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We sometimes use the import method, but this doesn't work with the new

version of the ChartFX.WebServer-object.


using the file: http://www.ose.no/statistikk/figures/norden.txt

works in the old version, but not in the new version we've installed on the

development site.

Is the import method changed between version 4.5.14 and ?

When i choose to edit the data, it has got the dates, but all values are

zero ...

In order to make things clearer, the attached jpegs shows how it looks on

the development server.


- the image


- same part of screen, but now as an activeX,

note that it has the legends, but all plot

data are zero in the data editor


- the datafile to import with chart.import

Regards, Mala

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