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Image generation crash

User (Legacy)

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ChartFX.WebServer carshes in any configuration when trying to generate PNGs

or Jpegs. All DLLs are present and registered. Reinstall of ChartFX does not

help and it happens on both 3.5 and 2000 versions. Here are two examples of

the problem:

---------------------- 1 ----------------------------

When executing:


chart.ImgWidth = 400

chart.ImgHeight = 350

chart.ImgTags = "Png"

chart.Export CHART_IMAGE, "C:\Test.png"

it Dr. Watsons on chart.Export line. If it can help it crashes after

openning C:\Test.png for writing so there is an empty file C:\Test.png.

----------------- 2 -----------------------

The same error ocurres from ASP page:


Set chart = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer")

Response.write chart.GetHtmlTag(350, 350, "Image")


With the error message:

error 'ASP 0115'

Unexpected error


A trappable error occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue


Please help.


Nick Simonov



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