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Re: Disappearing data points

User (Legacy)

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Sure. Here is the bit of code that gives the odd graph.

ChartFX1.Gallery = BAR

ChartFX1.OpenDataEx COD_VALUES, 4, 4

ChartFX1.Series.Item(0).Yvalue(0) = 5380

ChartFX1.Series.Item(0).Yvalue(1) = 7137

ChartFX1.Series.Item(0).Yvalue(2) = 3077

ChartFX1.Series.Item(0).Yvalue(3) = 9109

ChartFX1.Series.Item(1).Yvalue(0) = 6499

ChartFX1.Series.Item(1).Yvalue(1) = 7515

ChartFX1.Series.Item(1).Yvalue(2) = 3267

ChartFX1.Series.Item(1).Yvalue(3) = 9826

ChartFX1.Series.Item(2).Yvalue(0) = 6346

ChartFX1.Series.Item(2).Yvalue(1) = 7939

ChartFX1.Series.Item(2).Yvalue(2) = 3515

ChartFX1.Series.Item(2).Yvalue(3) = 10112

ChartFX1.Series.Item(3).Yvalue(0) = 5936

ChartFX1.Series.Item(3).Yvalue(1) = 7370

ChartFX1.Series.Item(3).Yvalue(2) = 3379

ChartFX1.Series.Item(3).Yvalue(3) = 9215

ChartFX1.CloseData COD_VALUES

ChartFX1.Series.Item(1).Gallery = CURVE


Stephan Klaffer

DecisionWorks London

"Juan C. Cegarra" <JuanC@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


Can you send/post ASP code to help us duplicate this problem ?


Juan Cegarra

Software FX, Inc.


-----Original Message-----

From: Stephan Klaffer [mailto:stephan.klaffer@decisionworks.co.uk]

Posted At: Friday, October 06, 2000 5:55 AM

Posted To: Server

Conversation: Disappearing data points

Subject: Re: Disappearing data points

Something more odd,

if I now set the line to not visible - the before missing datapoints


back, but now the first series is completely missing. A picture of that


in the attachment.

Stephan Klaffer

DecisionWorks London

BTW: I am working with ChartFX IE 2000, on a Win2000 machine. I have


installed the latest service packs (did that today!)

"Stephan Klaffer" <stephan.klaffer@decisionworks.co.uk> wrote in message


> Hello there,


> I just noticed the following odd behaviour. I have a chart like it is


> in the attachment before.jpg. It is 3D Vertical Bar chart. If I now



> series style of the second series to line (in order to produce a mixed

> chart) all data points of the last series that are behind the one set


> line style disappear. (as it can be seen in attachment after.jpg)


> The hittest method still knows the bars are there (because the


> still appear), but bars are not drawn. It is fine with 3D disabled or



> 3D clustered Y axis.


> Is this a known problem and is there a fix for it somewhere?


> Cheers,


> Stephan Klaffer

> DecisionWorks London




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