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Re: Server Service Pack installation

User (Legacy)

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I tried your suggestion and also tried re-booting, but still get the same

error. Also managed to see a new error code once today: [80040A01]

Is there some other approach to installing the service pack that we could


This might be easier to solve over the phone? Should I call ?


Jim Miller


"Juan C. Cegarra" wrote:

> Please try stopping and restarting the IIS Admin service and then

> install the update.


> Regards,


> Juan Cegarra

> Software FX, Inc.

> support.softwarefx.com


> -----Original Message-----

> From: James D. Miller [mailto:james.miller@pnl.gov]

> Posted At: Wednesday, September 20, 2000 7:26 PM

> Posted To: Server

> Conversation: Server Service Pack installation

> Subject: Server Service Pack installation


> When trying to install the "Server Service Pack" I get the following

> error message:


> Error Installing Chart FX IE Server [80004005]


> Also, if I un-check and then check the "Server Components" and the

> "Other" checkboxes, and then try the install, the process sometimes

> completes without an error message but nothing appears to have been

> updated. For example, my version number for the CfxIESrv.dll is still

> instead of the update.


> Any suggestions ? Thank you.


> Jim Miller

> Pacific Northwest National Lab

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