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Re: RE:CfxIE2000 Multiple graphs/min/max values

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I tried assigning the min/max figures before and then after the resultset is

assigned to the chart - same result.

I am setting min/max values for both graphs - would that matter?

What is the correct way of setting the min/max values before or after the

"chart.AdoResultset RS" command?

Where in the properties page can I look up the min/max values? I looked

under General/Series/Axes/3D and can't find anything?

I looked in the help pages under "EXPORT" and just to be sure, is this how

I could do it ?

(taken from the example you provided below)

1) PNG

Chart.ImgTags = "Png"

Chart.Export 9,"C:\Test\Chart.gif"

2) GIF

Chart.ImgTags = "GIF"

Chart.Export 9,"C:\Test\Chart.gif"

3) JPG

Chart.ImgTags = "JPG"

Chart.Export 9,"C:\Test\Chart.jpg"


Thanks in advance,


PS Please ignore the email I sent

Juan Cegarra <JuanC@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> Problem 1.


> Are you setting the Min/Max after you pass the data (after the

> AdoResultset)

> Please check using the properties dialog if the min and max used by the

> chart are the same values you assigned at the server. (To check this you

> may need to generate an Active chart for test purposes)


> Problem 2.


> ChartFX generates temporary names using the current date and time.

> You can use this approach to know the name of the file we generate.


> <%

> ImgName = Chart.GetHtmlTag(400,350,"_Image")

> %>

> <IMG SRC="<%=ImgName%>" WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=350>


> Or you can use Export to force a name, please note that at the moment

> even though you can force certain image format to be used (Jpeg, Png,

> etc.) you cannot use the browser detection code


> Chart.ImgTags = "Png"

> Chart.Export 9,"C:\Test\Chart.gif"


> Please note that if you generate PNG files, you may need to generate

> them with a GIF extension to workaround a problem with Netscape browsers

> (but the file will still be a PNG file)



> Regards,


> Juan Cegarra

> Software FX, Inc.

> http://support.softwarefx.com


> -----Original Message-----

> From: Filip Kratochvil [ mailto:filipk@iname.com]

> Posted At: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 1:25 AM

> Posted To: Server

> Conversation: CfxIE2000 Multiple graphs/min/max values

> Subject: CfxIE2000 Multiple graphs/min/max values



> Hello all,

> I'm testing the CfxIE2000 Trial version and need to find out the

> following:



> 1) I want to dislay to graphs (lines)


> SQL = "SELECT date,Price1,Price2 FROM tblPricing"

> Set chart = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer")

> Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

> rs.Open SQL, conn


> chart.Chart3D = False

> chart.Gallery = LINES

> chart.MarkerShape = MK_NONE

> chart.DateFormat = "DMMM-yy"

> chart.Axis(AXIS_Y).Format = AF_CURRENCY

> chart.Axis(AXIS_Y2).Format = AF_CURRENCY


> 2) Now I want to set Min and Max values for Y and Y2


> Chart.Axis(AXIS_Y).min = 7

> Chart.Axis(AXIS_Y).max = 30

> Chart.Axis(AXIS_Y2).min = 3

> Chart.Axis(AXIS_Y2).max = 9


> (I calculate my min/max values on the fly, above values entered for this

> code demo)


> This will produce the min/max values but the graphs (one of them) are

> getting clipped at the top even though I'm giving extra space - my max

> value

> in the recordset is only 28.9


> 3) if I don't use any min/max settings all is fine but I have bit of

> wasted

> space at the bottom, plus I need to get the two graphs closer together

> for

> comparison




> I want to force generation of a picture and that is working fine. I also

> want to get the name of the picture and check if it has been generated

> before and decide if it needs to be re-generated. How are the names

> generated and can I modify the way names for pictures are generated.



> Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.


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