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Is there a way to create an instance of ChartFX without using a windows handle?

User (Legacy)

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Hi I was just wondering if it was possible to create an instance of ChartFX

without having to use CWnd?

In client server version 5.5 I could do the following:

bool created = false;

if( !chart_fx ){

CComPtr<IClassFactory2> factory;

CComPtr<IUnknown> unk;

CLSID fac_id =



if( SUCCEEDED( COM_CHECK( CoGetClassObject( fac_id,

CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, NULL, IID_IClassFactory2, (void**)&factory ) ) ) ){

CComBSTR com_bstr( FX_LIC_STR );

if( SUCCEEDED( COM_CHECK( factory->CreateInstanceLic( NULL, NULL,

IID_IUnknown, com_bstr, (void**)&unk ) ) ) ){

COM_CHECK( ((IUnknown*)unk)->QueryInterface( __uuidof(

IChartFX ), (void**)&chart_fx ) );




Thanks for your time.



Hi I was just wondering if it was possible to create an instance of ChartFX

without having to use CWnd?

In client server version 5.5 I could do the following:

bool created = false;

if( !chart_fx ){

CComPtr<IClassFactory2> factory;

CComPtr<IUnknown> unk;

CLSID fac_id =



if( SUCCEEDED( COM_CHECK( CoGetClassObject( fac_id,

CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, NULL, IID_IClassFactory2, (void**)&factory ) ) ) ){

CComBSTR com_bstr( FX_LIC_STR );

if( SUCCEEDED( COM_CHECK( factory->CreateInstanceLic( NULL, NULL,

IID_IUnknown, com_bstr, (void**)&unk ) ) ) ){

COM_CHECK( ((IUnknown*)unk)->QueryInterface( __uuidof(

IChartFX ), (void**)&chart_fx ) );




Thanks for your time.


  • 2 years later...

Hi Mac:

I am having the exact same problem with you. I just want to know have you sorted this problem out? If you do, could you please tell me how to achieve this? Tons of thanks..

 Kindly Regards




I know in Version 5.1  we can do this as well. But I tried on Version 6.2 and replace the cfx4032.dll with ChartFX.ClientServer.Core.dll, seems the code you listed above doesn't work as expected. If we use m_pChartFX -> Export(Cfx62::Fileformate_Bitmap,L"C://anybitmap.bmp") then GPF.Or an empty bmp file generated.




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