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ChartFX Batch Mode Generation

User (Legacy)

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We are currently evaluating chartFX 6.2 for java and are interested in 

generating jpg/png charts in batch mode. According to the documentation

this is possible. However the resulting png file contains the message

"Illegal license". We've tried to set the path to the license file

manually but this didn't help. Here is the source code we are using:

Chart chart1 = new Chart();





try {


catch (IOException e)


log.error("Error exporting chart",e);


Thanks in advance for any help,

Best regards,

Karl Kreiner

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We could resolve the problem: License file and jar files should reside 

within the same folder.

> Karl Kreiner wrote:

> We are currently evaluating chartFX 6.2 for java and are interested in

> generating jpg/png charts in batch mode. According to the documentation

> this is possible. However the resulting png file contains the message

> "Illegal license". We've tried to set the path to the license file

> manually but this didn't help. Here is the source code we are using:


> Chart chart1 = new Chart();

> Chart.setConfigPath("C:\\ChartFXconfig\\");

> chart1.setGallery(Gallery.PYRAMID);

> chart1.setPointLabels(true);

> chart1.setChart3D(true);

> try {

> chart1.exportChart(FileFormat.PNG,"C://chart1.png");

> catch (IOException e)

> {

> log.error("Error exporting chart",e);

> }


> Thanks in advance for any help,


> Best regards,

> Karl Kreiner

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