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Convert chart templates from Chart FX Client Server 5.1 to Chart FX 7


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Our software uses an version of Chart FX 5.1 COM control. I am in the process of upgrading it to Chart FX 7. As we have a collection of chart templates created under the old control, we are going to convert them to be used in Chart FX 7. I try the ChartFX.WinForms.Exporter.exe that is shipped with Chart FX 7 but the converted template doesn't work to the chart in Chart FX 7. When I applied the converted template to the chart in Chart FX 7, the chart only showed "No data availble". Please let me know a way to do a right conversion.


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Hi piiguu

ChartFX.WinForms.Exporter.exe is a tool that allows you to wrap the files exported using Chart FX 6.2 for .NET and automatically convert them into importable files using Chart FX 7 for .NET.

Unfortunately, there is no any tool that allows you to convert from Chart FX Client Sever 5.1 to any other Chart FX product.

Take into consideration that you are using a very old product, and additionally, you are trying to migrate exported files from a COM product to a .NET technology.

Carlos Chaves.


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