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Rescaling a date x-axis automatically when series are deselected


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Hello,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


I have a chart where I plot any number of time series against a common x axis (date) and common y axis. (values). The time series may have different start points / end points, and I have a separate list box to select which series should be displayed. Implementation-wise, I am populating a data table based on the selection, but currently do not remove it from the data table when it is deselected, just set the series as not visible.


Now, when I deselect a time series, I want the x-axis to rescale according to the start/end points of the displayed time series. Just setting the visible property to false on the series (like I do now) just hides it, and does not rescale the x axis.


This can of course be done by repopulating the data table over again when the selection is changed and redrawing the full chart, but this is very inefficient when a large number of long time series is displayed, and I just want to deselect one of them.


Anyone with similar problems/solutions? I tried to write a method to get the min/max data values from the series and use this to set the min/max values of the xaxis, but ran into problems, has anyone got some example code for this? And in any case I was hoping this automatic rescaling is behaviour I could set with a parameter in the chart, but it does not seem so.


Thanks for any hints. Just let me know I if can post some code to illustrate the problem.



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