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Licensing Issue


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I have an older dll that was written using chartfx version: 6.0.1262.xxxxx.  The exe that is trying to run this dll is version: 7.0.2893.xxxxx.  I am recieving the following error : "Couldn't get runtime license for 'SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Chart'".  Does this mean that my dll will have to be written using the newer version of chartfx or is the license backwards compatable? 

Any help would be greatly appreaciated.  Thank you.

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 If you have a DLL written using Chart FX 6.0, it does not have the license embedded in it anyways. The Chart FX license will only be embedded if the project is compile as EXE. Now, Chart FX 7.0 is a completely different product (different API). So the license would not be backwards compatible.

To use a DLL that was created by you using Chart FX 6.0 you would need to have Chart FX 6.0 (or Chart FX 6.2) installed on your machine.

I am not 100% sure on what you are trying to do, but I hope my answer helped. Let me know otherwise, explaining further your scenario.

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