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Everything posted by AlexeyRedko

  1. Hello ! Is it possible to create annotation that can be movable and sizable like in Winforms versions.If it is not there are worarounds or direction
  2. Hello Juan! First of all thank you ,it works. There is another question (related to first point that I asked but probably my first question was not clear for you). When I perfom zoom there is a frame that is drawing on the chart's pane.When I choose these settings for zoom: Zoom.Mode = ZoomMode.Selection; .Zoom.ViewStyle = ZoomViewStyle.Selection; Zoom.Style = ZoomStyle.Auto; the chart draws very nice frame that bounded by height of pane . The only thing I'd like to know if it is possible to override drawing of this frame in such way that its height will be bounded by height of chart's plot area but not by height of pane (if I have some panes the frame will be drawn only on selected pane). For example I have some series placed on some panes.All series has only one axis that is datetime axis.So when I want to perform my custom zoom (just choosing new datetime frame and reload new data to chart) I'd like that my selection frame will get height of plot area of chart becuase I want to perfom datetime 'drill in' for all series.
  3. Hello! There is an issue that I'd like to solve. When I perfom selection in zoom mode with next settings : this.Zoom.Mode = ZoomMode.Selection ; this.Zoom.ViewStyle = ZoomViewStyle.Opacity;this.Zoom.Style = ZoomStyle.Auto; 1) I get selected zoomed area that is limited by pane's bounds.This is good till I have only one pane.Is it possible to cause to selection frame to get the height of plot area? (for example if there are some panes ) 2) I want to override zoom functionality and instead of zooming to perform my own things (for example if my main axis x is datetime axis so when I make zoom I want to reload data into chart in the datetime range that I choose during selection).Is there anyway to do it?
  4. Hello! I create a chart with axis y range 0 - 60000 I inserted 900 point most of the were hidden. There some points that were not hidden (I using area type of series) : 1. (x:375 y:63700- 64700) 2(x:385,y:223-223.5) the rest points are hidden. Tthe chart shows only first point and dosn't show the second,so I have two questions. 1.Is it normal behavior of chart? 2.If this is normal behavior is there a way to force the second point to be shown anyway.
  5. Is it possible to format axis label as multy row ? For example: 12/24/10 12:12:12 as 12/24/10 12:12:12
  6. Hello! Is there any possibility to write an axis lable as a multy row string. For example the one row "24/12/10 14:12:23" will be represented as 14:12:23 24/12/10
  7. Hello! We are using ChartFx 7 component in our application in winforms client and on sersver side as wrapped by our dll. On server side we just added ChartFx 7 licence and it worked well. Some time ago we upgrated our enviroment from vs2008 to VS2010 .In new vesrion of server now we tried to add licence in order to work with dll's using chartfx but each time we try to execute any task that loads dll with chart fx we get the next exception: System.ComponentModel.LicenseException: Couldn't get Run Time license for 'ChartFX.WinForms.Chart' at ChartFX.WinForms.Internal.b.a(LicenseContext A_0, Type A_1, Object A_2, Boolean A_3, LicenseProvider A_4) at ChartFX.WinForms.Internal.i.a(LicenseContext A_0, Type A_1, Object A_2, Boolean A_3) at System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager.ValidateInternalRecursive(LicenseContext context, Type type, Object instance, Boolean allowExceptions, License& license, String& licenseKey) at System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager.ValidateInternal(Type type, Object instance, Boolean allowExceptions, License& license) at System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager.Validate(Type type, Object instance) at ChartFX.WinForms.Chart..ctor() at Investigator.ChartFXGraph.GraphGenerator.GenerateGraph(Font titleFont, String title, List`1 xValues, List`1 y1Values, String y1Title, List`1 y2Values, String y2Title, Single y3Value, String y3Title, Size size)at Investigator.Report.EN50160.DeviceBasedCompliance.MasterLayout.ComplianceTrends.ComplianceTrends_ReportStart(Object sender, EventArgs e) Is there any solution or work around for this issue!
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