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Everything posted by beltrams

  1. As workarond I have set up two text fields: <TextBox Name="LegendBoxVisibilityDummyTextBox" Text="{Binding Path=LegendBoxVisibility, Mode=OneWay}" Visibility="Collapsed"></TextBox> <TextBox Name="PointLabelAttributesVisibilityDummyTextBox" Text="{Binding Path=PointLabelAttributesVisibility, Mode=OneWay}" Visibility="Collapsed"></TextBox>And the this binding for the legend box visibility: < cfx:LegendBox cfx:Chart.TargetPanel="Inside" HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Top" Visibility="{Binding Path=Text, ElementName=LegendBoxVisibilityDummyTextBox, Mode=OneWay}">This seems to work as woraround. I have tried the same for the point labels but it does NOT work: < cfx:PointLabelAttributes Visibility="{Binding Path=Text, ElementName=PointLabelAttributesVisibilityDummyTextBox, Mode=OneWay}">
  2. The second way I amtring to bind is with a string: public String SimoneVisibility { get return "Visible";}No success...
  3. I am trying to bind the Visibility to my ViemModel and it looks like no bind take place. I am tring to do the following: <cfx:AllSeriesAttributes.PointLabels> <cfx:PointLabelAttributes Visibility="{Binding Path=SimoneVisibility, Mode=OneWay}">I have tried to return a string and also a System.Windows.Visibility enum public Visibility SimoneVisibility { get return Visibility.Visible;}OR public Visibility SimoneVisibility { get return Visibility.Visible;}Similat happns for <cfx:Chart.LegendBox> <cfx:LegendBox Visibility="{Binding Path=LegendBoxVisibility, Mode=OneWay}" />Legend box always show and point labels never, if I try to bind them. ALL the other bindings are working fine, only the visibility does not. Is it supported?
  4. Thanks! Actually I am not very sure why I was looking for that coplicated solution Thanks! Simone
  5. Ok,m I have tried this wothout success, Let me do another example: in the Programmer's Guide & Example session in the website under ListTrasform we have this class public class Country { public string Name { get; set; } public string Capital { get; set; } public int Area { get; set; } public List<GDPData> GDPInfo { get; set; }} public class GDPData { public int Year { get; set; } public int GDP { get; set; } } and the example shows how to create a graph with the Year in the axis X, and 3 series (Countries) of GDP in the axis Y. (Correct this if I am expressing it wrong) What I would like ti have in the same example is graph with the Countries in the axis X, and 3 series (Years) of GDP in the axis Y, is it possible? (I dont know how many Countries I have, this is the reason I have to use a list!)
  6. I bind my chart (ItemsSource="{Binding Path=ReportData, Mode=OneWay}) to a List<Row> where Row is the following object: public ChartReportRow(ReportRow reportRow){ public List<Field> Columns { get; set; } public string AxisX {get {return sfield = Columns[0].fieldValue;} public List<decimal?> AxisYList { get { List<decimal?> axisYList = new List<decimal?>(); foreach (DecimalField field in Columns) { axisYList.Add(field.fieldValue); } return axisYList; } } Basically I would like to have on the Axis X AxisX field while on the Axis Y all the series AxisYList. Is it possible to do this in XAML (as I have a View and a ViewModel). Thanks.
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