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Posts posted by jayzee1259

  1. Yes, Y-Axis = Sales

    X-Axis = Name (Could be StartDate or EmployeeID as well, since its the same for the 2 records).

    I couldn't insert a link, so I will describe...

    1. Here's my XAML (its identical to the samples EXCEPT a new xml element for "Brenda"


    XmlDataProvider x:Key="MyData" XPath="Employees/Employee">


    <Employees xmlns="">

    <Employee StartDate="4/28/1993" Name="John" EmployeeID="10001" LastYearSales="49027" Sales="45815" />

    <Employee StartDate="6/8/1997" Name="Robert" EmployeeID="10002" LastYearSales="51489" Sales="55652" />

    <Employee StartDate="2/10/2001" Name="Mark" EmployeeID="10003" LastYearSales="51924" Sales="55075" />

    <Employee StartDate="1/18/1998" Name="Kelly" EmployeeID="10004" LastYearSales="55227" Sales="36160" />

    <Employee StartDate="10/31/2005" Name="Brenda" EmployeeID="10005" LastYearSales="54457" Sales="51719" />

    <Employee StartDate="10/31/2005" Name="Brenda" EmployeeID="10005" LastYearSales="66123" Sales="60123" />




    2. Code:

    SeriesAttributes series0 = new SeriesAttributes("@Sales");

    series0.Gallery = Gallery.Scatter;

    chart1.AxisX.Labels.BindingPath =



    3. This SHOWS 2 separate points for Brenda in the chart (X=Brenda, Y=51719) and (X= Brenda and Y=60123

    What I would like is both these points to be one above the other.

    Please let me know if you need addtional info and/or how to send a screen shot and I can do that.

  2. We are evaluating ChartFx for WPF and in particular the "Passing Data" / "Adjusting Data to the Chart" section of the guide

    For example:

    <Employee StartDate="10/31/2005" Name="Brenda" EmployeeID="10005" LastYearSales="54457" Sales="51719" />
    <Employee StartDate="10/31/2005" Name="Brenda" EmployeeID="10005" LastYearSales="60000" Sales="65000" /> 
    If we have  TWO records for Employee Brenda, how can we plot that in a SCATTER Chart such a way that 
    • the second point with higher Sales is higher in the chart than the
    • first point with lower sales number. 
    Only interested in "Sales" series and NOT the "LastYearSales" series. 
    What options do we have: New Series or Run it through a transform? What other options exist?
    Our applications typically have multiple points for the same X axis value, for example (x,y) include (5, 6), (5,8), (5,20) etc all have the same X and hence
    will plot in a straight line of X = 5.



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