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  1. We achieved by ARTIFICIALLY adding a
  2. Yes, Y-Axis = Sales X-Axis = Name (Could be StartDate or EmployeeID as well, since its the same for the 2 records). I couldn't insert a link, so I will describe... 1. Here's my XAML (its identical to the samples EXCEPT a new xml element for "Brenda" < XmlDataProvider x:Key="MyData" XPath="Employees/Employee"><x:XData> <Employees xmlns=""> <Employee StartDate="4/28/1993" Name="John" EmployeeID="10001" LastYearSales="49027" Sales="45815" /> <Employee StartDate="6/8/1997" Name="Robert" EmployeeID="10002" LastYearSales="51489" Sales="55652" /> <Employee StartDate="2/10/2001" Name="Mark" EmployeeID="10003" LastYearSales="51924" Sales="55075" /> <Employee StartDate="1/18/1998" Name="Kelly" EmployeeID="10004" LastYearSales="55227" Sales="36160" /> <Employee StartDate="10/31/2005" Name="Brenda" EmployeeID="10005" LastYearSales="54457" Sales="51719" /> <Employee StartDate="10/31/2005" Name="Brenda" EmployeeID="10005" LastYearSales="66123" Sales="60123" /> </Employees> </x:XData> 2. Code: SeriesAttributes series0 = new SeriesAttributes("@Sales"); series0.Gallery = Gallery.Scatter; chart1.AxisX.Labels.BindingPath = "@Name";chart1.Series.Add(series0); 3. This SHOWS 2 separate points for Brenda in the chart (X=Brenda, Y=51719) and (X= Brenda and Y=60123) What I would like is both these points to be one above the other. Please let me know if you need addtional info and/or how to send a screen shot and I can do that.
  3. We are evaluating ChartFx for WPF and in particular the "Passing Data" / "Adjusting Data to the Chart" section of the guide For example: <Employee StartDate="10/31/2005" Name="Brenda" EmployeeID="10005" LastYearSales="54457" Sales="51719" /> <Employee StartDate="10/31/2005" Name="Brenda" EmployeeID="10005" LastYearSales="60000" Sales="65000" /> If we have TWO records for Employee Brenda, how can we plot that in a SCATTER Chart such a way that the second point with higher Sales is higher in the chart than thefirst point with lower sales number. Only interested in "Sales" series and NOT the "LastYearSales" series. What options do we have: New Series or Run it through a transform? What other options exist? Our applications typically have multiple points for the same X axis value, for example (x,y) include (5, 6), (5,8), (5,20) etc all have the same X and hence will plot in a straight line of X = 5. Thanks
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