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Posts posted by Plink

  1. I'm not really sure what your reasoning is behind requiring VS 2008 to be installed, but this really needs to be fixed. 


    I do not have a copy of VS 2008 to install, but I can't install ChartFX 7 without it. I have a new version of VS 2013 running older 2010 projects that need to be going out, but I can't compile if I don't have chartFX installed, and I can't install chartFX until you guys fix this.


    Please help.

  2. Tried a few more things and the problem is definitely related to the steps.

     Every time the program receives data past the 'step' the entire graph 'adjusts' to make room for the new grid... This causes the 'jerking' motion. You guys need to come up with a way to have it so the addition of a new step doesn't cause the graph to move.

     To show you... I've attached a link to the tweaked RealTimeGraph program. Simply run the program and wait 2 seconds and you'll see what its doing.


  3.  -EDIT-

     I just tried specifying the buffersize as well... this did not change anything.


    I have tried the sample application. The problem is... I cannot set the 'buffersize' as I will not be able to tell how much data I will be grabbing at any point.

     I also currently use:

    Chart1.ExtraStyle = Chart1.ExtraStyle And Not


    I have no idea if it is doing what it should though...  I am also currently using the Chart1.UpdateSizeNow.

  4. Is there any way to stop the stuttering when it updates then?

     ie. If I turn off autoscroll (while still graphing data, live) and scroll back through my data manually to look at the graph, the graph jerks back and forth (left & right) everytime it refreshes. (which is about 10-15 times a second... this makes it almost impossible to read the chart while the graph is recording)




  5. Hello,

     I'm working with a realtime chart, and I'm having 2 small issues I can't seem to figure out.

     1. When the graph starts... everything is fine... but as soon as the autoscroll kicks in the graphed line starts 'jerking' left and right with every graphupdate call. This happens whether I'm looking at previous points in the graph or watching the data as it comes in. The entire chart jerks back and forth. Any idea what could be causing this? If needed I could probably post a short video.

     2. My second issue is this: When I 'beginadddata' to the realtime graph, if I add data in this way... nothing shows up: (setting x/y for each point)

    Chart1.Data.Y(0, 0) = weightChart1.Data.X(0, 0) = CInt(time)

    Instead the only way I can get the graph to work is to do this: (which only sets the y values)

    Chart1.Data(0, 0) = weight

    I'm logging and controlling the x axis time value myself, and they do not always increment evenly. Here is the charts setup code, and the update call.


    Chart1.ExtraStyle = Chart1.ExtraStyle And Not ChartStyles.CacheImage

    Chart1.ExtraStyle = Chart1.ExtraStyle Or ChartStyles.DoubleBuffer

    Chart1.Data.Series = 1

    Chart1.RealTime.BufferSize = 0

    Chart1.RealTime.Mode = RealTimeMode.Scroll

    Chart1.RealTime.LoopMarker.Color = Color.Red


    Chart1.Series(0).Color = Color.Red

    Chart1.Series(0).Line.Width = 2



    Chart1.AxisY.Min = 0

    Chart1.AxisY.Max = 20000

    Chart1.AxisY.ScaleUnit = 1

    Chart1.AxisY.Step = 5000



    Chart1.AxisX.PixelsPerUnit = 6

    Chart1.AxisX.LabelsFormat.Format = AxisFormat.None

    Chart1.AxisX.Style = (Chart1.AxisX.Style Or AxisStyles.HideText)



    // This is called every 100ms from a timer event. (obviously, you can see the commented code. I only call either one or the other. (the X/Y update or just the single data Y update))

    Chart1.RealTime.BeginAddData(1, ChartFX.WinForms.RealTimeAction.Append)

    Chart1.Data(0, 0) = weight

    'Chart1.Data.Y(0, 0) = weight

    'Chart1.Data.X(0, 0) = CInt(time)

    Chart1.RealTime.EndAddData(False, False) 


  6. Yeah, I understand what you are saying. I guess I just need some advice on the best way I should go about entering in data to my graph. I am only able to access one 'series' at a time, and when I load this series into memory I do it on a background thread, that in turn passes the data to the graph on the UI thread. When its done, the UI thread is refreshing the graph. The problem is... this refresh takes far too long. (not really anyones fault)...

     (So in other words, the graph is being redrawn by the UI thread after every series is added. Thus the more series I have the longer it takes to update. I simply want to stop the UI thread from doing this. Is it possible to add all the points and series to the graph FROM the background thread?)

     So I'm wondering what I should be doing to maybe que all the series up in one data bundle, and then update(draw) the graph all at once? Any suggestions?

  7. I am adding data to a chart. Number with a datestamp. Every series will have about 100 points, and there could be thousands of series on one graph. My issue (the current way I'm doing it) ... as the graph loads all my data (I'm inputting using chart1.data.Y(i,i)...and chart1.data.X(i2,i2)...) the loading process takes longer and longer for each series I add. Presumably because the chart is reloading and refreshing the graph display every time I add the next series. I would like it to only do a graph refresh AFTER all the loading is done. This way the load will take a much shorter time.

     Do you have a function that simply turns off the graphs 'draw' ability. (so I could disable it before I start loading, and then re-enable after?) Or something similair?

    Can I get some help on how to do this?


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