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Posts posted by chu

  1. I have read several postings on highlighting entire series.  In essence, I am looking for a way to highlight one specific record of ONE series (or a color change using conditional attributes).


    Record, Value

    List 1, 1000

    List 2, 2000

    List 3, 5000

    List 4, 100000

    In a bar graph, I want to be able to highlight "List 3".  We're able to accomplish this using 2 different series, but I am looking for a more elegant way. 

    Thanks for your time!

  2. Thanks for your response AndreG.

    Just as a follow up, i've also tried the following:

    this.chart1.AxisX.GetScrollView(out ViewMin, out ViewMax);

    this.chart1.AxisY.GetScrollView(out ViewMin, out ViewMax);this.chart1.AxisX.Zoom(-1, -764);

    this.chart1.AxisY.Zoom(0, -1);

    //this.chart1.AxisX.SetScrollView(1, 764);

    //this.chart1.AxisY.SetScrollView(0, 1);Thanks again for your time.
  3. I'm having difficulties with zooming within maps.  Currently, our application has the zoom button within the toolbar removed.  However, the user can still click and drag to select a region to zoom into (which is, what we want).  The chart zoom property is set to true.

    However, I cannot seem to figure out how to cancel the zoom, or reset it, back to the original state.  Is there a method I can access to set the zoom back (as when someone presses the toolbar button to set the zoom properly?)

     Thanks for your time


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