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Everything posted by anitha

  1. anitha

    Gantt Bar Height

    I have to set an annotation so that its height is equal to the gantt bar height. I know it is calculated from the chart height and the no of series. But I want to know the exact formula so that my annotation height is egual to the gantt bar height. Note: There is no scrollbar in the graph.
  2. Hi, I need to create vertical lines(green, yellow and red) in the gantt chart as shown in the attached image. I tried ConstantLine but it draws the line for the whole axis and there is no option for a particular bar. Kindly provide help on this.
  3. Hi, I am using chartfx7 for Java. I need to generate a histogram graph. The sample given by chartfx under the location cfxjava7\samples\statistics\histogram.jsp is not working. I am getting exception. Could u please verify the cause...
  4. The onmouseover event got fired and I got the tooltip. Actually the map tag name and the usemap attribute value of the img tag( obtained using the method "renderToStream(OutputStream content, Writer imgMap, Writer htmlTag)" ) were not matching and that was the reason for mouseover event not getting fired.
  5. I need to get a tooltip over the datapoints of png chart created using Chartfx7.0. I used the following piece of code. ch.setRenderFormat(imagetype); ch.setToolTipFormat("?',%S,%N,'" + imageMapName + "','"); ch.getAllSeries().getLink().setReload(false); ch.getImageSettings().setInteractive(true); ch.getImageSettings().setToolTips(ImageToolTipStyle.WITH_MOUSE); ch.getAllSeries().getLink().setUrl(jumpURLBase+jumpURLParameters); and got the area tag as follows <area shape="poly" coords="654,16,654,20,680,20,680,16" href="javascript:DoDrillDown(0,22)" onmouseout="popupoff()" onmouseover="popupon('?',0,22,'ImageAvMap','',event)" /> But my onmouseover event is not getting fired when i move the mouse over the datapoints. I have written the popupon and popupoff functions correctly.
  6. Hi, Does ChartFx support with Xslt and Xpath? If yes, can you send me any document or sample code lines related to it? Thanks, Anitha
  7. Hi, I wrote the following java code for generating the flash chart: ChartServer ch = new ChartServer(); ch.setChart3D(false); ch.openData(COD.VALUES, 1, 100); for (int i=0;i<99;i++) { ch.setValue(0, i, java.lang.Math.random()* 80); } ch.closeData(COD.VALUES); FlashWriter w = new FlashWriter(); Axis axis = ch.getAxisY(); axis.setMinorStep((short) 5); axis.setMinorTickMark(TickMark.INSIDE); axis.setMinorGridlines(true); axis.getMinorGrid().setColor(new java.awt.Color(255, 0, 0)); ch.setInsideColor(new java.awt.Color(192, 192, 192)); axis.getGrid().setColor(new java.awt.Color(0, 0, 0)); axis.setAlternateColor(new java.awt.Color(255, 255, 255)); axis.setInterlaced(true); ch.setOutputWriter(w); ch.getHtmlTag("400","400","Flash"); I am getting an exception while generating Flash Chart using ChartFx6.5 for java, 17:52:40,956 ERROR [[knchart]] Servlet.service() for servlet knchart threw exception java.lang.NullPointerException at SoftwareFX.internal.ChartFX.Internet.Server.Chart.yZYw(Unknown Source) at SoftwareFX.internal.ChartFX.Internet.Server.Chart.WZYw(Unknown Source) at SoftwareFX.internal.ChartFX.Internet.Server.Chart.zZYw(Unknown Source) at SoftwareFX.internal.ChartFX.Internet.Server.Chart.V$ww(Unknown Source) at SoftwareFX.internal.ChartFX.Internet.Server.Chart.wZYw(Unknown Source) at SoftwareFX.internal.ChartFX.Internet.Server.Chart.Vxww(Unknown Source) at SoftwareFX.internal.ChartFX.Internet.Server.Chart.yxww(Unknown Source) at SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Chart.getHtmlTag(Unknown Source) at SoftwareFX.ChartFX.ChartServer.getHtmlTag(Unknown Source) I wrote the above java code by looking into the flash.jsp example given in Chartfx samples folder.But while using that in Java code i am getting this exception.Could you please explain me the behavior of getHtmlTag function. Can we use getHtmlDataEx function for generating the Flash Chart? Thanks, Anitha
  8. I am using ChartFX 6.5 for Java.I am not getting the y axis labelproperly when i set yaxis to log scale.I have used the following code. ch.getAxisY().setLogBase(10); ch.getAxisY().setStep(10); ch.getAxisY().setMinorStep(10); ch.getAxisY().setAutoScale(false); ch.getAxisY().setMin(yMin); ch.getAxisY().setMax(yMax);TheyMin is 7.00 and yMax is 10.54.All the data values are in the range8.For this condition I am not seeing any Ylabel on the yaxis. When Ichanged the Ymax value to 100.00 I am getting only one Ylabel value 97.00. Similarly when the Yaxis scale is set to 2.718281828;Ymin=5.00 and Ymax=100.00 I am getting Ylabels as 7.718,22.496,42.582.Couldyou please explain me the behavior how the Yaxis label is set whileusing log scale. Also how can i set the Ylabels in the desired rangelike 8.0, while using log scale.
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