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  1. I got the following screen when I click on AixsFormat link ( which is located under Value Format Class-> Format ->AxisFormat).
  2. If I assign the step value some times the graphs are looks crazy. In my app there are 100 graphs and data is coming from different sources. I'm calculating Step value as shown below, my users are not satisfied the way graph looks. Public Shared Sub Chart_CommonProperties(ByRef Chrt As ChartFX.WebForms.Chart, ByVal maxValue As Double, ByVal minValue As Double)Chrt.AxisY.LabelsFormat.Decimals = 1 Chrt.AxisY.LabelsFormat.CustomFormat = "#0.0%"Chrt.AxisY.DataFormat.Decimals = 1 Chrt.AxisY.DataFormat.Format = ChartFX.WebForms.AxisFormat.Percentage If (maxValue > 0) ThenChrt.AxisY.Max = maxValue * 1.5 ElseChrt.AxisY.Max = maxValue * 1.25 End If If (minValue > 0) ThenChrt.AxisY.Min = minValue * 0.75 ElseChrt.AxisY.Min = minValue * 1.25 End IfChrt.PlotAreaColor = Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255) Chrt.AxisY.Grids.Major.Visible = TrueChrt.AxisX.Grids.Major.TickMark = ChartFX.WebForms.TickMark.Outside Chrt.AxisX.Grids.Major.Style = Drawing2D.DashStyle.Solid Chrt.AxisX.Grids.Major.Width = 1 Chrt.AxisX.Grids.Major.Color = Drawing.SystemColors.ControlDark Chrt.AxisX.Grids.Major.Visible = FalseChrt.AxisY.Grids.Major.Style = Drawing2D.DashStyle.Solid Chrt.AxisY.LabelValue = 1 Chrt.AxisY.ScaleUnit = 100 Chrt.AxisY.Grids.Major.Color = Drawing.SystemColors.ControlDark 'Chrt.AxisY.Step = 10 If Chrt.AxisY.Max - Chrt.AxisY.Min > 0 ThenDim stepvalue As Integer = Math.Round((Chrt.AxisY.Max - Chrt.AxisY.Min)) Select Case stepvalueCase 0 Chrt.AxisY.Step = 0.1 Case 1 Chrt.AxisY.Step = 0.1 Case 2 Chrt.AxisY.Step = 0.2 Case 3 Chrt.AxisY.Step = 0.3 Case 4 Chrt.AxisY.Step = 0.4 Case 5 Chrt.AxisY.Step = 0.5 Case 6 Chrt.AxisY.Step = 0.6 Case 7 Chrt.AxisY.Step = 0.7 Case 8 Chrt.AxisY.Step = 0.8 Case 9 Chrt.AxisY.Step = 1 Case 10 Chrt.AxisY.Step = 1.5 Case ElseChrt.AxisY.Step = DetermineNextWholeTen((Chrt.AxisY.Max - Chrt.AxisY.Min) / 10) End Select End If ''setting the charts varios properties like border, point label formats and graph colorChrt.PageColor = Color.White Chrt.AllSeries.Border.Color = Drawing.Color.Black Chrt.AllSeries.Border.Effect = ChartFX.WebForms.BorderEffect.Dark Chrt.AllSeries.PointLabels.Visible = TrueChrt.AllSeries.PointLabels.Angle = ERTSCONSTANTS.CHART_VALUES.POINT_LABEL_ANGLE_360 Chrt.AllSeries.Color = Drawing.Color.Black Chrt.AllSeries.MarkerSize = 3 Chrt.AllSeries.MarkerShape = ChartFX.WebForms.MarkerShape.Rect Chrt.AllSeries.Line.Width = 1 End Sub Private Shared Function DetermineNextWholeTen(ByVal value As Decimal) As DoubleDim x As Decimal = value / 10 Dim y As Integer If x > 0 Theny = Math.Ceiling(x) Elsey = Math.Floor(x) y = y - 1 End IfReturn y * 10 End FunctionThanks in advance.
  3. I'm here with sending my source again: Source Code for the above graphs Public Class Sales Private _PrdouctName As String Private _Sales As Integer Public Property ProductName() As String GetReturn _PrdouctName End GetSet(ByVal value As String) _PrdouctName = value End Set End Property Public Property Sales() As Integer GetReturn _Sales End GetSet(ByVal value As Integer) _Sales = value End Set End PropertyPublic Sub New() End SubPublic Sub New(ByVal name As String, ByVal sales As Integer) Me._PrdouctName = nameMe._Sales = sales End Sub End Class WebPage with button click events: Partial Public Class _Default Inherits System.Web.UI.PageProtected Sub btnSample1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSample1.Click Dim prodsaleslist As New List(Of Sales)prodsaleslist.Add(New Sales("Sony", 10)) prodsaleslist.Add( New Sales("Panasonic", 30))prodsaleslist.Add(New Sales("Vizio", 55)) prodsaleslist.Add( New Sales("Toshiba", 70))Me.Chart1.DataSource = prodsaleslist SetChartCommonProperties(Chart1) Chart1.Titles.Add(CreateTitle("TV Sales in 2008-2009")) End SubProtected Sub btnSample2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSample2.Click Dim prodsaleslist As New List(Of Sales)prodsaleslist.Add(New Sales("Honda", 120)) prodsaleslist.Add( New Sales("Accord", 335))prodsaleslist.Add(New Sales("BMW", 459)) prodsaleslist.Add( New Sales("Ford", 198))Me.Chart1.DataSource = prodsaleslist SetChartCommonProperties(Chart1) Chart1.Titles.Add(CreateTitle("Car Sales Sales in 2008-2009")) End SubProtected Sub btnSample3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSample3.Click Dim prodsaleslist As New List(Of Sales)prodsaleslist.Add(New Sales("Shell", 1234)) prodsaleslist.Add( New Sales("British Petrolium", 3452))prodsaleslist.Add(New Sales("Exxon Mobile", 2352)) prodsaleslist.Add( New Sales("Texaco", 65432))Me.Chart1.DataSource = prodsaleslist SetChartCommonProperties(Chart1) Chart1.Titles.Add(CreateTitle("Gas Sales in 2008-2009")) End SubPrivate Sub SetChartCommonProperties(ByVal chrt As ChartFX.WebForms.Chart) Chart1.Height = 500 chrt.AxisY.LabelsFormat.Decimals = 1 chrt.AxisY.DataFormat.Decimals = 1 chrt.AxisY.LabelsFormat.Format = ChartFX.WebForms.AxisFormat.Percentage chrt.AxisY.DataFormat.Format = ChartFX.WebForms.AxisFormat.Percentage chrt.AxisY.ScaleUnit = 100 chrt.AxisY.Step = 10 chrt.AxisX.Grids.Major.Visible = False End SubPrivate Function CreateTitle(ByVal title As String) As ChartFX.WebForms.TitleDockableDim newTitle As New ChartFX.WebForms.TitleDockable newTitle.Text = title newTitle.Font = New System.Drawing.Font(newTitle.Font, Drawing.FontStyle.Bold)Return newTitle End Function End Class
  4. Hi everybody,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> IChartFXWPFTest13.zip
  5. Thanks for your reply. If I assign the Step=10 then it works fine for me. But, in my application I'm setting AxisY min and max values programatically. Some times the AxisY min value is 0 and Max value 1, in this case I don't see Labels on axisY except Zero. My question is can we able to get % and one decimal on AxisY labels without setting Step value? Thanks in advance.
  6. Hi All, For the following code, when I apply axisY.ScaleUnit=100 then I 'm loosing all my axisY labels and gridlines. Any idea? Chrt.AxisY.LabelsFormat.CustomFormat = "00.0%" Chrt.AxisY.DataFormat.Decimals = 1 Chrt.AxisY.DataFormat.Format = ChartFX.WebForms.AxisFormat.Percentage
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