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  1. Hi, I am using ChartFX 7 with VS 2005 on IE 7 browser. I have an app that uses master pages and we put in a chart. We set scrollable position to auto to see scrollbars as well as set RenderFormat=".NET" to make scrollbars work. When the page renders I get JS error : "(" expected. Upon further examination it looks like ChartFX generates a dynamic JS function(below) in Temp folder. If you look at the name you will see that it has colons, which is what I think crashes JS. Any help on this is appreciated, as this is causing us delays: function cfx_replace_ctl0:ContentPlaceHolder1:chart1() { document.write('<object codetype="application/octet-stream" id="_ctl0:ContentPlaceHolder1:chart1" classid="/chartfx70/download/ChartFX.NetIEClient.dll#ChartFX.NetIEClient.Chart" standby="Downloading Chart FX control please wait ..." WIDTH="780px" HEIGHT="500px" >'); document.write('<param name="Cookies" value="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"/>'); document.write('<param name="DataPath" value="/chartfx70/temp/CFV0428_0324331E055.chw"/>'); document.write('[Chart FX: .NET Active client requires Internet Explorer and .NET Framework 2.0 or greater installed on the client computer.]'); document.write('</object>');
  2. This is still not resolved. Anyone from ChartFX team can help??? thanks
  3. Can you tell me what that constructor is doing? Does it need outside resources? What is it relying on?
  4. Using ChartFX 7 Windows XP Pro IIS 5.1 VS.NET 2005 I am using it in .cs file that is used for NUNIT testing: using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data;using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Sql;using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Configuration;using ChartFX;using ChartFX.WebForms;using ChartFX.WebForms.Annotation;using ChartFX.WebForms.Adornments; using NUnit.Framework; using NUNIT_MIDev;namespace NUNIT_MIDev.MIWeb_Test { public class Dashboard_Test{ public ChartFX.WebForms.Chart chart; Setup _setUp;public void Setup() { //create instance of setup class which will give us access to commonly used objects //use defaults} public void CompareWaterfallAndCascadeIntelSentences() { //this test compares waterfall and cascade sentences and makes sure they are the sameint actualId = 0; //regular waterfall_setUp = new Setup(); ChartFX.WebForms.Chart chart = new ChartFX.WebForms.Chart();} } }
  5. I am getting the following errors in this lien of code: ChartFX.WebForms. Chart() chart = new ChartFX.WebForms.Chart(); Error 5 TestCase 'M:NUNIT_MIDev.MIWeb_Test.Dashboard_Test.CompareWaterfallAndCascadeIntelSentences'failed: The type initializer for 'ChartFX.WebForms.Internal.b' threw an exception.System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'ChartFX.WebForms.Internal.b' threw an exception. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at ChartFX.WebForms.Internal.OutputFileHandler.Initialize(Boolean useFileSystem) at ChartFX.WebForms.Internal.b.a(IPersistBase A_0, IPersistBase A_1) at ChartFX.WebForms.Internal.b..cctor() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at ChartFX.WebForms.Internal.b.l() at ChartFX.WebForms.Chart.a(Int32 A_0, Int32 A_1) at ChartFX.WebForms.Chart..ctor() at NUNIT_MIDev.MIWeb_Test.Dashboard_Test.CompareWaterfallAndCascadeIntelSentences() in C:\Projects\Applications\NUNIT_MIDev\MIWeb_Test\Dashboard_Test.cs:line 50 C:\Projects\Applications\NUNIT_MIDev\MIWeb_Test\Dashboard_Test.cs 50 Any help would be appreciated!
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