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Everything posted by raydenxxx

  1. try this (replace your datasource): mFarmLoadChart.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new FieldMap("Age", FieldUsage.Value)); // Set the Y axis valuesmFarmLoadChart.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new FieldMap("Name", FieldUsage.Label)); // Set the X axis valuesmFarmLoadChart.DataSourceSettings.DataSource = t; All written in the documentation/examples ++ Raydenxxx (France)
  2. Hello, If someone has the same issue I solve the problem by creating my own mainpane... and set the real mainpane to visible = false. I think it is a bug from ChartFx. See you,Raydenxxx (France)
  3. Hello, have you set the minimum of the axis to 0? If not try this AxisY YourAxis= new AxisY(); YourAxis.Min = 0; YourAxis.LabelsFormat.Format = AxisFormat.Percentage; ByeRaydenxxx (France)
  4. Hello, I'm trying to do a dynamic multi pane chart. It works fine for every gallery with except for Pareto. In fact, when the main pane (the first one) - my chart - is a Pareto one, it doesn't work if the last Serie (of the chart) is not in a other pane. For example, see the two pictures; the datas are the same and I just change the serie in the second pane. When it's the last serie it works fine, if not it doesn't work. To extend the problem, if the main pane (my chart) is not a Pareto type I don't have any issue, I juste have this issue with Pareto Gallery and only if the last serie of the chart is in the first pane. I don't know if I'm understandable... if not ask me questions These are the pictures: WITH issue Without issue Thank you for your help, Raydenxxx (France)
  5. No idea, or don't understand (I can be unclear) ?? Thank you
  6. Works great with annotations! Thanks
  7. It's a possibility, very dirty I think... lol I'll try annotation (cleaner) and I'll see, but thank you for the idea
  8. Colors are specifics, exactly like the picture, I can't with AxisSection for the reason I explain. I'll test with annotation (actually I'm on something else, an other evol) Thank you
  9. Are not the annotation in the first plan??? I think it will cover the chart... I'll test this when I can and tell you the result... it's a good idea. Thank you
  10. No other possibilities except using a background image??? :$
  11. Hello, I want to allow the user puting annotation on charts (One AnnotationText and one AnnotationArrow) and allowing him to move the annotation (then I want to move the annotationArrow by the code) I can put it... no problem... But when I move the AnnotationText and I attach (after detaching and before the refresh) the AnnotationArrow again with the new value, it doesn't work if the Width (or Height, same problem) is a negative one (if it's a positive one there is no problem - see attached picture -). In fact, it work for the first time, but when I put a new value the Width don't assign the good value... To see the problem, take a look at the picture: We can see that the value is good for the first time (an absolute of the value), but for the second afectation the value is completly wrong....Is it normal? A know issue???? Thank you, Raydenxxx (France)
  12. Yop, Just testing with the lastest one (7.0.2893.24916) and the problem still here... Note that I used font for all the graph // Initialisation des fonts Font Verdana = new Font("Verdana", 8); _GraphCourant.AxisX.Font = Verdana; _GraphCourant.AxisY.Font = Verdana; _GraphCourant.LegendBox.Font = Verdana;
  13. thanks for the reply... You're true, we don't have the last version (not to old) in production.I'll test with and give a feedback later.Thanks again
  14. Thanks for the quick reply. Yes I changed the font: private void AjouterSeparateurHorizontal(double Valeur, string Texte, Color Couleur, bool SepUtilisateur) { CustomGridLine Ligne = new CustomGridLine(Valeur, Texte); Ligne.Color = Couleur; Ligne.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far; Ligne.Font = new Font("Verdana", 7); Ligne.OutsideText = SepUtilisateur; _GraphCourant.AxisY.CustomGridLines.Add(Ligne); }
  15. Hello, I'm having problem with Gridline Lables when they are outside the chart. In fact, they are truncated... (see picture on the right, the last "e" is truncated) Is it the same bug as truncated value in the pie chart? If not, is there any way to fix this? (whitout puting the label inside the chart) Thanks, Raydenxxx (France)
  16. Hello, is it possible to apply differents colors for the background? I'd like to do a stratification like this: I tried with AxisSections but it doesn't work because they are only on one axis (one "from" and one "to"). I don' t want to use a picture in the background because it would be parametrable. I'm open to any suggestion Thank you, Raydenxxx (France)
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