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Posts posted by PDyer

  1. Sorry Chart FX does not have any Bar Code component. Is your error regarding Chart FX?

    "Input stringwas not in a correct format" seems more like an issue with C# syntax since it is not for sure a Chart FX proprietary error message...<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

  2. I'll update this post as most current information is handled to me, but currently there are not immediate plans for supporting Surface Charts for the first release. However, it may change as the first version of ChartFX for WPF is released... and perhaps Stats, Maps, and Financial will follow.In regards HeatMap it has been in our wish list for some time now, but other more in-demand ideas have been taking priority. But off course, I will convey your inquire.

  3. You may send an email to Sales (SalesAtSoftwarefx.com), they could answer your question better that I can, perhaps they are running an special...Actually they do! http://www.softwarefx.com//regionalpromotions/landing.aspx/?sPromotionCode=WMPDEAL08 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    If you want to migrate to more affordable platform as .NET, there is always a free version for Winforms and a very inexpensive version for .NET webforms ($149)


  4. Hello,Please keep in mind that Chart FX Gauges and Grid FX are two of our products, in the case of GridFX it can contain Chart FX Gauges to display data by simply format one of its cells as a Gauge. Therefore when you need to modify a Gauge you really should use Chart FX Gauge API and not GridFX API.

    To make it more clear ...

    1) Due to the fact that radialGauge1.Scales[0].Sections is the same as radialGauge1.MainScale.Sections[0], really this code:radialGauge1.MainScale.Sections[0].Min = Convert.ToDouble(NewMin.text);radialGauge1.MainScale.Sections[0].Max = Convert.ToDouble(NewMax.text);is the same as this:section1.Max = 25; section1.Min = 0; Therefore it comes after each color section:section1.Bar.Color = Color .Red;

    2) By default you have always one scale, therefore if you do:radialGauge1.Scales[0].Sections.AddRange( new Section [] { section1, section2, section3, section4});

    The following code will allow you to tide a Gauge to a Grid.

    GridFX.WebForms.NumberField numField = (GridFX.WebForms.NumberField)Grid1.DataFields["rating"];// Let's show a Horizontal GaugeChartFX.WebForms.Gauge.HorizontalGauge Gauge1 = (ChartFX.WebForms.Gauge.HorizontalGauge)numField.Format.Gauge;// Let's create a LineraScale objectChartFX.WebForms.Gauge.LinearScale linearScale1 = (ChartFX.WebForms.Gauge.LinearScale)Gauge1.Scales[0];linearScale1.Max = 5d;linearScale1.Min = 1d;// Let's format the gauge with all previously customized attributes (Section/Indicator/needle/RadialScale)numField.Format.Gauge = Gauge1;

    For more information you may open the RealState Sample provided with GridFX which contains more code sample.

  5. I have not tried a drilldown (link) for the legendbox but I know the following code works for Series, Points, Axes, Stripes, Titles, and Constant Lines. chart1.Titles.Add(new TitleDockable("My Title"));

    chart1.Titles[0].Link.Url = "www.SoftwareFX.com";

    chart1.Titles[0].Link.Target = "_blank";

    Perhaps you could try Points[0].Link.Url.

    Also there is a full working VS2005 sample in the resource center called Launch "File System DrillDown" Application, Do a search by "DrillDown" and you will find it.

  6. There is a full article about Passing Data using XML in the Resource Center installed by ChartFX. There you will learn the right format of your XML file. Also, there is a full working VS2005 sample called "Launch "Passing Data using XML" Application"

    A compatible Chart FX XML code will looks like this:

    <?xml version=

  7. Please keep in mind that what you see in a report is an actual image and no runtime controls where events can be accessed.

    This is not a restriction imposed by Chart FX by rather by Reporting Services. All the features should be set using Smart Tags at design time.

  8. Chart FX exposes a method called .Refresh(); However, it has to be triggered by an event due to the fact that .Refresh(); does not contain a built in trigger itself. On the other hand if you are using a Real time chart, you may create a timer that performs a Chart update every 4 minutes.

  9. Hello,First I would confirm that in fact your Map1 extension connecting to your Chart.I came across with the same issue several days ago, and here is the code that solved the issue. In my case my issue was around adapter.Fill(ds); CFXMap.Data.Clear();//SettingsCFXMap.LegendBox.Visible = true;CFXMap.LegendBox.Dock = DockArea.Bottom;CFXMap.LegendBox.ItemAttributes[CFXMap.ConditionalAttributes].Visible = true;//this hides last label and shows NO DATA AVAILABLECFXMap.LegendBox.ItemAttributes[CFXMap.Series].Visible = false; string maskString = "Average: " + "%v";CFXMap.ToolTipFormat = maskString;CFXMap.AxisY.DataFormat.Decimals = 2;CFXMap.Width = 500;try{//Temperature (I have deleted 2007 info) CFXMap.Titles[0].Text = "Average " + RadioTemp.Text + " for " + SelectYear.Text;m_condListT = CFXMap.ConditionalAttributes;m_condListT.Clear();ConditionalAttributes condT1 = new ConditionalAttributes();condT1.Condition.To = 30;condT1.Color = Color.FromArgb(70, 131, 204);condT1.Text = "Under 30";ConditionalAttributes condT2 = new ConditionalAttributes();condT2.Condition.From = 30.01;condT2.Condition.To = 40;condT2.Color = Color.FromArgb(155, 201, 222);condT2.Text = "30 to 40";m_condListT.AddRange(new ConditionalAttributes[] { condT1, condT2});m_condListT.Recalculate();

    //Query for TemperatureSQLString = "SELECT temperature.ave, states.code FROM (temperature INNER JOIN states ON temperature.state = states.id) WHERE (states.id<100 AND temperature.[year] = " + SelectYear.SelectedValue + ")";string dataPath = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "weather.mdb");string myConnectionString = string.Format("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source={0};", dataPath);System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection myConnection = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(myConnectionString);System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet();System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(SQLString, myConnection);\adapter.Fill(ds,"MapData");//Bind the chart to the dataset CFXMap.DataSource = ds.Tables["MapData"];//Set DetailLevel to the first level (Regions)map1.DetailLevel = 0;map1.LabelStylesSettings.ShowThisLevelOnly = true;//map1.Recalculate();CFXMap.Refresh();
  10. Negative dates do not have too much sense. Although I tried Chart1.AxisX.LabelsFormat.CustomFormat = "h:mm:ss" but there is no way to apply a conditional based on the value seems you have to handle the data before pass it to Chart FX. Perhaps you could convert the - date values to the previous day. I suggest you to open the resource center and search for "custom format" perhaps that give you another ideas.

  11. Hello,

    There are several question I would need you know to properly address your inquire. For example:

    1) I am not sure if you have a constant number of sections. However you may divide the Max value for the mainindicator between the amount of sections to create as many sections as you need doing:

    //settings for the sections

    Section section1 = new Section ();

    2) I guess you do not have in mind the colors you want to offer for each section, so you may follow this article to pick the color:


    Then use the following to set the picked color for your section:

    radialGauge1.MainScale.Sections[0].Color= NewColor;

    3) Each section uses a Max and Min that can be set differently. If you want to allow the user also to set the Max and Min of each section, this will take a little more time. Once you get the Max and Min for a section you may use the following:

    radialGauge1.MainScale.Sections[0].Min = Convert.ToDouble(NewMin.text);

    radialGauge1.MainScale.Sections[0].Max = Convert.ToDouble(NewMax.text);

    Your code at the end should look like this:

    //settings for the sections

    Section section1 = new Section ();

    Section section2 = new Section ();

    Section section3 = new Section ();

    Section section4 = new Section ();

    section1.Bar.Color = Color .Red;

    section1.Max = 25;

    section1.Min = 0;

    section2.Bar.Color = Color .Orange;

    section2.Max = 50;

    section2.Min = 25;

    section3.Bar.Color = Color .Yellow;

    section3.Max = 75;

    section3.Min = 50;

    section4.Bar.Color = Color .Green;

    section4.Max = 100;

    section4.Min = 75;

    radialGauge1.Scales[0].Sections.AddRange( new Section [] { section1, section2, section3, section4});

  12. In regards the sample that shows how to add a Radial Gauge, you can find a full VS2005 sample installed with Grid FX called "RealEstate", in that sample open the form called "Layout_Gauges". There you will find the following:

    // a NumberField object is cast as grid amount field

    GridFX.WebForms.NumberField numField = (GridFX.WebForms.NumberField)Grid1.DataFields["amount"];

    // Default display setting is changed to Gauge

    numField.Format.Display = GridFX.WebForms.NumberDisplayType.Gauge;

    // Let's show a radial gauge

    ChartFX.WebForms.Gauge.RadialGauge Gauge1 = new ChartFX.WebForms.Gauge.RadialGauge();

    // Let's create a RadialScale object, later used to add sections to the gauge

    ChartFX.WebForms.Gauge.RadialScale radialScale1 = new ChartFX.WebForms.Gauge.RadialScale();

    // INCLUDE HERE YOUR settings to personalize your Gauge

    ChartFX.WebForms.Gauge.Section gSection1 = new ChartFX.WebForms.Gauge.Section();

    gSection1.Bar.Color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(124, 252, 0);

    gSection1.Max = 280000;

    gSection1.Min = 0;


    //Let's format the gauge with all previously customized attributes (Section/Indicator/needle/RadialScale)

    numField.Format.Gauge = Gauge1;

    Please post a screen shot with the control error you mentioned.

  13. I just tried the sample and seems the issue is that when you apply a filter the new filter is applied to the new result. Therefore if you search for last names that starts with "A", then if you search LAST NAMES that starts with "B" you won't see any change on the result since there was not any found.

    Another observation, try to use letter A instead of "A" on the search field.


  14. Since you are rendering as .NET (chart.RenderFormat = .NET), you should have full trust enabled in the .NET framework 2.0 configuration client side.

    Control Panel > Administrative Tools > .NET Framework Configuration > Adjust Security Policy

    Make Changes to this computer

    Give "Full Trust" to My Computer, Local Intranet, Internet, and Trusted Sites (for now).

    Click Finish

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