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Everything posted by AndreG

  1. The only way I can think of doing this is with annotation. Use the ValueToPixel method on the Y axis to get the position for the annotation text.
  2. Setting it to 0 is supposed to get rid of the break (as per documentation). Have you tried larger numbers? This is the only property related to point label lines on a pie chart.
  3. Have you looked in the LabelLineBreak property? http://support.softwarefx.com/Chart_FX_7/api#web_htmls/pie_labellinebreak.htm
  4. Hello Thameur, I apologize for the inconvenience. But you acted correctly, the right way to resolve this issue is to contact our support team. I will make sure they reply to you as soon as possible, with the correct dlls. Regards,
  5. Your image did not post. Please try posting it from the Options tab.
  6. Each axis have major and minor grid lines. Here is how to turn them all off: chart1.AxisY.Grids.Major.Visible = false; chart1.AxisY.Grids.Minor.Visible = false; chart1.AxisX.Grids.Major.Visible = false; chart1.AxisX.Grids.Minor.Visible = false;
  7. Great! Thanks for reporting that. I will test the latest bits to see if I see the issue there, and if so, report as a bug. Regards,
  8. Hello Deepak, If you are still during your trial period for Chart FX 7 I would recommend that you forward your question to the support team at www.mysoftwarefx.com/support.
  9. That is a fairly dated version of the product. Please try upgrading at www.mysoftwarefx.com.
  10. Just tested and it works for me: <CfxIESettings> <Relative>/ChartFX62/Temp</Relative> <RequiredRoot>http://localhost</RequiredRoot> </CfxIESettings> Gives me the tag: <IMG src="http://localhost/ChartFX62/Temp/CFT1008_10565728629.png" WIDTH="300" HEIGHT="300" /> What version of dlls are you using? Where do you keep the ChartFx.Internet.config file?
  11. For the license to be included when you compile, you must compile the code that instantiates the chart as an exe. Are you by any chance instantiating inside a dll?
  12. Have you tried upgrading your dlls? Go to www.mysoftwarefx.com for a service pack.
  13. Please contact our products team at products@online.softwarefx.com (remove the "online.").
  14. What do mean by not wanting JSP? Chart FX 7 for Java Server was created to be used on web servers. Are you using this as a desktop component? If so, the correct product would be Chart FX 7 for Java Desktop. We also offer a trial for that. Please clarify.
  15. If you would like help with Chart FX 6.2, please post to the right forum. It is not clear whether you are using COM or .NET, win or web. Assuming you are using .net 6.2, windows forms, I can tell you it seems to be working for me. Version 6.2.3188. Here is the code I tried. int numbOfSeries = 1; int numbOfPoints = 5; Random rnd = new Random(); chart1.OpenData(COD.Values, numbOfSeries, numbOfPoints); for (int i = 0; i < numbOfSeries; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numbOfPoints; j++) { chart1.Value[i, j] = rnd.Next(100); } } chart1.CloseData(COD.Values); chart1.Gallery = Gallery.Pie; chart1.View3D = true; Pie p = (Pie)chart1.GalleryObj; p.ExplodingMode = ExplodingMode.All;
  16. Hello Jan, After you install the trial (or the full software) a designer will be copied to C:\Program Files\cfxjava7servertrial\designer\ (if you are running windows) or an equivalent path. Samples are also included, inside a war file (C:\Program Files\cfxjava7servertrial\war\CfxJava70_samples.war). Also, documetation is available online at http://support.softwarefx.com/Chart_FX_7_for_Java_Server. Hope this helps.
  17. Try initializing the number of series first: chart1.Data.Series = 4;
  18. Please contact products@online.softwarefx.com (remove "online.") for help regarding this issue.
  19. It is working correctly for me. Maybe try downloading a Service Pack? www.mysoftwarefx.com. What version dlls are you using?
  20. I believe some cultures will force the chart to be displayed that way. Can you try changing the culture of your chart? chart1.LegendBox.Style = LegendBoxStyles.Default; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("en"); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
  21. Hello Z, The default chart has the series icon to the left of the text, as you have indicated as your preference (screenshot below). Do you mean it the other way around? If so, try the code below: chart1.LegendBox.Style = LegendBoxStyles.RightAlign;
  22. The property that controls this feature in Pie is called ScaleLabels (ChartFX.WPF.Galleries.Pie.ScaleLabels) and it is unfortunately not available for Pyramid. I will forward your request to the developers.
  23. What I meant is that I believe this has nothing to do with the chart. Please try the markup below on your server (replace http://localhost/xxx with the real link). Let me know what happens. <img src="http://community.softwarefx.com/utility/anonymous.gif" usemap="#imgmap"> <map name="imgmap"> <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,50,50" href="http://localhost/xxx" alt="My Link"> </map>
  24. Really hard to tell just by the exception. Can you post more details?
  25. In that case the link in Chart FX works just as any other link. If you remove the chart from the equation, would it work? Replace the whole chart by just one link to one of the drilldowns of the chart. Does that work?
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