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Posts posted by Tobias

  1. Hi!

    We've been using ChartFX7 for a while and everything have been working fine. A while ago our development machine stopped showing the images and I've been troubleshooting for a while now, reading "Q7622021. Troubleshooting the PSS Service" carefully but I just can't get it so please review and any input at all is very appreciated.

    1. The PSS service is running and urls are in the format: "/chartfx70/pss/ChartFX.aspx?id=0-080509190&type=png&mime=image%2fpng"

    2. I have changed the file "C:\Program Files\Chart FX 7\PSS\ChartFX.PSS.Service.exe.config", setting "EventLogLevel" to "Trace". I do not get any more info in the eventlog though, so I guess it's a step 5 issue

    3. We do have a folder called chartfx70 in our IIS and there is a PSS application within it. (see attached image). The virtual folder points to "C:\Program Files\Chart FX 7\ChartFX70".

    4. We have not done any changes due to authentication, although, I have tried just in lack of any other ideas to add the "ChartFX.PSS.HttpHandler.dll" to my applications bin-folder and adding "<add key="ServiceURL" value="tcp://localhost:8082/PssService" />" to my web-config. It does match the PSS-settings. And "<add verb="*" path="ChartFX.aspx" type="ChartFX.Pss.HttpHandler,ChartFX.Pss.HttpHandler" />" in HttpHandlers.


    Anyone that can shine some light over my problem will be my hero of the day!


  2. When I render a chart i get bold axis-labels, even if I set it to a regular-font. (see attachment) 

    Can't figure out why... any ideas?


    chartfx7:Chart ID="ChartIK" runat="server" ContextMenus="False" Height="250px" Width="300px" Visible="false"></chartfx7:Chart>

    ChartIK.AxisY.LabelsFormat.Decimals = 2;ChartIK.LegendBox.Visible =

    false;ChartIK.Border = new ChartFX.WebForms.Adornments.SimpleBorder(ChartFX.WebForms.Adornments.SimpleBorderType.None);ChartIK.Background = new ChartFX.WebForms.Adornments.SolidBackground(System.Drawing.Color.Transparent);ChartIK.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new ChartFX.WebForms.FieldMap("period", ChartFX.WebForms.FieldUsage.Label));ChartIK.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new ChartFX.WebForms.FieldMap("bar1", ChartFX.WebForms.FieldUsage.Value));ChartIK.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new ChartFX.WebForms.FieldMap("bar2", ChartFX.WebForms.FieldUsage.Value));ChartIK.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new ChartFX.WebForms.FieldMap("bar3", ChartFX.WebForms.FieldUsage.Value));ChartIK.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new ChartFX.WebForms.FieldMap("line", ChartFX.WebForms.FieldUsage.Value));ChartIK.AxisX.LabelAngle = 45;ChartIK.AxisX.Step = 1;ChartIK.AxisX.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 8, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular);ChartIK.AxisY.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 8, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular);ChartIK.AxisY.LabelsFormat.Culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("sv-SE"); // if(ChartIK.Series.Count > 3){ ChartIK.Series[0].Color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 102); ChartIK.Series[1].Color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(153, 204, 255); ChartIK.Series[2].Color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(51, 102, 255); ChartIK.Series[3].Color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0); ChartIK.Series[3].BringToFront(); ChartIK.Series[0].MarkerShape = ChartFX.WebForms.MarkerShape.None; ChartIK.Series[0].Gallery = ChartFX.WebForms.Gallery.Lines; ChartIK.Series[1].Gallery = ChartFX.WebForms.Gallery.Bar; ChartIK.Series[2].Gallery = ChartFX.WebForms.Gallery.Bar; ChartIK.Series[3].Gallery = ChartFX.WebForms.Gallery.Bar;}ChartIK.DataBind();ChartIK.Visible = true;
  3. Hello Andre and thank you for your reply.

    I'm still struggling with the ConditionalAttributesCallback. I've got the method to work on point-based valued with ex:

    if (Chart1.Data.Y[e.Series, e.Point] == 13){ e.Attributes = 1;}

    ...which applies the settings of index 1 of the conditional attribute collection. What I don't get is how to use another value than the actual value of the bar. I've searched the resource center and forums to find answers but I'm obviously missing some part of the part on how to use the Tag-attribute or something.

    Any point in the right direction would be appreciated!

  4. Is it possible to use the CrosstabDataProvider when you want to render Pie-charts? I only get one value passed to each pie-chart, making them filled 100% one color.

    If I have data:

    Name ValueX ValueY

    test1 80   20

    test2 75   25

    test3 50   50

     ...I want it to render 3 panes with one pie-chart in each pane.

  5. Hi!

    I have a gannt-chart which I would like to set different colors on the bars depending on a value different from the actual bar. Lets say i have 3 incoming values:

    x = name of bar

    y = value of bar

    z = value to determine color, could be 1,2,3 or "black", "red", "green"...

    I've checked out the ConditionalAttributes-class but it seems that it needs to use the value of the actual bar.

    Any advise would be appreciated!

  6. I'm having trouble getting my x-axis labels to show.

    <chartfx7:Chart ID="Chart1" runat="server" ContextMenus="False" Width="300px" Height="200px">  <Series>   <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Gallery="Lines" Color="Red" MarkerShape="None" Text="gräns 1" />   <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Gallery="Lines" Color="Red" MarkerShape="None" Text="gräns 2" />   <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Color="153, 204, 255" Gallery="Lines" Text="bud" />   <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Color="51, 102, 255" Gallery="Lines" Text="prev" />   <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Color="0, 0, 0" Gallery="Bar" Text="value" />  </Series>  <AllSeries Gallery="Bar"></AllSeries>  <LegendBox Visible="False"></LegendBox>  <SpecialObjects>   <chartfxadornments:SimpleBorder AssemblyName="ChartFX.WebForms.Adornments" Type="None"></chartfxadornments:SimpleBorder>   <chartfxadornments:SolidBackground AssemblyName="ChartFX.WebForms.Adornments"></chartfxadornments:SolidBackground>   <chartfx7galleries:Bar></chartfx7galleries:Bar>  </SpecialObjects>  <AxisY Title-Text="" LabelsFormat-Format="Currency"></AxisY>  <AxisX Title-Text="Period" LabelAngle="45" LabelsFormat-Format="Number"></AxisX>  <MainPane AxisY-Title-Text="" AxisY-Max="260000" AxisY-Min="0" /></chartfx7:Chart>

    Code behind:


    dt = new DataTable();dt.Columns.Add("period");dt.Columns.Add("grans1");dt.Columns.Add("grans2");dt.Columns.Add("value");dt.Columns.Add("bud");dt.Columns.Add("prev");

    DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();dr.ItemArray = new Object[] { "200801", 130000, 250000, 20000, 23000, 25000 };dt.Rows.Add(dr);dr = dt.NewRow();dr.ItemArray = new Object[] { "200802", 130000, 250000, 40000, 38000, 42000 };dt.Rows.Add(dr);dr = dt.NewRow();

    // ...up to 200812

    Chart1.AxisX.LabelsFormat.Format = ChartFX.WebForms.

    AxisFormat.None;Chart1.AxisY.LabelsFormat.Culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("sv-SE");

    Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new ChartFX.WebForms.FieldMap("period", ChartFX.WebForms.FieldUsage.XValue));Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new ChartFX.WebForms.FieldMap("grans1", ChartFX.WebForms.FieldUsage.Value));Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new ChartFX.WebForms.FieldMap("tgrans2", ChartFX.WebForms.FieldUsage.Value));Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new ChartFX.WebForms.FieldMap("budt", ChartFX.WebForms.FieldUsage.Value));Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new ChartFX.WebForms.FieldMap("prev", ChartFX.WebForms.FieldUsage.Value));Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new ChartFX.WebForms.FieldMap("value", ChartFX.WebForms.FieldUsage.Value));Chart1.DataSource = dt;Chart1.DataBind();

    I have also tried to explicitly apply a value:

    Chart1.AxisX.Labels[0] = "Jan";Chart1.AxisX.Labels[1] = "Feb";

    ...but no success. Any help is appreciated!

  7. Why do I need write-permissions to the chartFX70-folder?

    Images seems to be saved to "...\Chart FX 7\PSS\Temp". In that folder I find files such as "091009350(XXXXX_tsje)_png" and "091009350(XXXXX_tsje)", without file extension.

    The image-path posted earlier was wrong. It should be:

    <img id="ChartKLS" src="/chartfx70/pss/ChartFX.aspx?id=0-091010030&type=png&mime=image%2fpng"...

    The PSS Service is running.

    I do have a virtual dir to the ChartFX70-installation

    The folder /chartfx70/PSS is an application within IIS, in a .NET2.0-application pool


  8. I've just installed ChartFX7 and done my first example. I get the samples to work but not my own example. All code seems to generate ok, incl toolbar but image does not show. No intellisense work either.

    Please advise!

    Some info:

    VS2005, AJAX enables Web Application Project

    Referenced classes:

    - ChartFX.WebForms

    - ChartFX.WebForms.Adornments

    - ChartFX.WebForms.Base

    - ChartFX.WebForms.Dhtml

    Generated html:

    ...<area shape="rect" coords="0,0,440,250" onmousedown="SFX_SetRightClickMenu(event,'ChartKLS','29474','')" oncontextmenu="return false;" />


    <div id="SFXdiv-29513" onmouseout="SFX_HideIconOver()" class="SFXIconHover" oncontextmenu="return false">

    <img src="/WebbekoCharts/WebResource.axd?d=w0hB13I_QiidX0t7d70ypAjaxyaEk9V8rUXJG682SNFaIRI8WEXzXo7piA4ugW5-1mTe5fNZ0LAtdWM7vgSfuQ2&t=633322864800000000" border="0" class="SFXIconHoverImg"//>


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