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DLL Chart Sizing Issues

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I am currently trying to use VB and the DLL version of ChartFX Client Server

in order to generate bitmap files of charts to a directory as a server


This application that I am developing is itself an ActiveX dll hosted in

MTS. It is intended to run in the background (Unattended Execution) and has

no interface or forms.

The problem I am having is sizing the bitmap images when using the line:

cfxChart.Export CHART_BITMAP, "C:\temp\test.bmp"

All I get is a 1x7 pixel bitmap image which isn't much use.

I also tried using the .ocx control on a form and found that this enables

you to set the .width and .height properties, however if you just create an

instance of the class with the following code, without drawing it on a form

then you can't access the .width and .height properties.

Dim cfxChart as ChartFxLib.ChartFX

set cfxChart = New ChartfxLib.ChartFX

Does anyone have any ideas about how to size the outputted bitmap chart?


Andy Masters

VB Developer

Winterthur Life UK

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