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Re: Y axis scale setting

User (Legacy)

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Try this:

chart.Axis(0).AutoScale() =1 'Disable


chart.Axis(0).Min = Your value

RecalcScale method as explained in API help file.

This method is normally invoked after the CloseData method to allow Chart FX

to recalculate all scale values associated with all numerical axes in the

chart. With this method, you're letting Chart FX take control when setting

the Min, Max and step properties.

Please take in mind that this method reads the entire data array, so abusing

this method could affect the performance of your application, as Chart FX

will read the entire data array every time this method is called.

This method will not affect the Step and MinorStep if they have been

previously set. To make sure they respond to this method make sure the Step

and MinorStep properties are set to zero (0).

A typical case of when to use this method is when you disable the AutoScale

property to calculate your Min and Max and you set new data to the chart

that causes the scale values to be recalculated to show the appropriate



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