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Re: IE crashes

User (Legacy)

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IE crashesI'm getting a similar problem... when I run certain pages, I get

essentially a GPF in IE5. It's on W2000, and I'm using both server and

client objects. I'm using the activex client object, which you can see from

the attached scripts.

Am I doing something obviously wrong?

To help you understand the asp code, mvCubeData is an object that exposes an

ADOMD.Cellset object. If you don't know what that is, think of it as a

three-dimensional recordset. Instead of rows and columns, it has cells with

coordinatees (i.e. mvCubeData.Value(x,y,z)). The Label property will give

you the text label for a given dimension (i.e. Label(z, 3) gives you the

label for the third item on the Z axis). This code was essentially

cut/pasted from a working VB application that does not experience the gpf


Any clues?


Earl Milam

"Level" <Level@Level2chart.com> wrote in message



When I loaded the following asp page, IE(5.0) crashes. This asp code creates

a 6 series ('Candle and Stacked Bar') chart.

Your help is highly appreciated.

<%@ Language=VBScript %>





<!-- #include virtual="/Include/CfxIE.inc" -->


Set Chart1 = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer")

' General Settings

Chart1.AllowDrag = FALSE

Chart1.AllowEdit = FALSE

Chart1.AllowResize = FALSE

Chart1.AxesStyle = CAS_FLATFRAME

Chart1.Chart3D = FALSE

Chart1.RGBBk = RGB(63, 122, 122)

Chart1.Scrollable = FALSE

Chart1.Volume = 9

' Axis settings

Chart1.Axis(AXIS_Y).Decimals = 2

Chart1.Axis(AXIS_Y).AutoScale = TRUE

' Axis settings

Chart1.Axis(AXIS_Y2).Decimals = 0

Chart1.Axis(AXIS_Y2).AutoScale = TRUE

' x axis labels garcia

Chart1.Axis(AXIS_X).LabelValue = TRUE

Chart1.Axis(AXIS_X).Label(0) = "11/03/1999 11:03"

Chart1.Axis(AXIS_X).Label(1) = "11/03/1999 11:04"

Chart1.Axis(AXIS_X).Label(2) = "11/03/1999 11:05"

Chart1.Axis(AXIS_X).Label(3) = "11/03/1999 11:06"

Chart1.Stacked = CHART_STACKED100

' This code allows ChartFX to know how many series the chart will have


' 1st candle

Chart1.ValueEx(0,0) = 100.00

Chart1.ValueEx(1,0) = 110.00

Chart1.ValueEx(2,0) = 120.90

Chart1.ValueEx(3,0) = 130.00

Chart1.ValueEx(4,0) = 100000

Chart1.ValueEx(5,0) = 1000

' 2nd candle

Chart1.ValueEx(0,1) = 100.00

Chart1.ValueEx(1,1) = 110.00

Chart1.ValueEx(2,1) = 120.90

Chart1.ValueEx(3,1) = 130.00

Chart1.ValueEx(4,1) = 120000

Chart1.ValueEx(5,1) = 1000

' 3rd candle

Chart1.ValueEx(0,2) = 100.00

Chart1.ValueEx(1,2) = 110.00

Chart1.ValueEx(2,2) = 120.90

Chart1.ValueEx(3,2) = 130.00

Chart1.ValueEx(4,2) = 155600

Chart1.ValueEx(5,2) = 1000

' 2nd candle

Chart1.ValueEx(0,3) = 100.00

Chart1.ValueEx(1,3) = 110.00

Chart1.ValueEx(2,3) = 120.90

Chart1.ValueEx(3,3) = 130.00

Chart1.ValueEx(4,3) = 90000

Chart1.ValueEx(5,3) = 1000

Chart1.CloseData COD_VALUES

' settings for volume bar chart

Chart1.Series(4).Gallery = BAR

Chart1.Series(5).Gallery = BAR

' volume info on Y2 axis

Chart1.Series(4).YAxis = AXIS_Y2

Chart1.Series(5).YAxis = AXIS_Y2

Chart1.Series(0).Stacked = false

Chart1.Series(1).Stacked = false

Chart1.Series(2).Stacked = false

Chart1.Series(3).Stacked = false

Chart1.Series(4).Stacked = False

Chart1.Series(5).Stacked = TRUE 'stack to prev series

Chart1.OpenDataEx COD_COLORS,6,0

Chart1.Color(0) = RGB(0,255,0)

Chart1.Color(1) = RGB(255,0,0)

Chart1.Color(2) = RGB(0,0,0)

Chart1.Color(3) = RGB(0,0,0)

Chart1.Color(4) = RGB(255,255,0)

Chart1.Color(5) = RGB(255,0,0)

Chart1.CloseData COD_COLORS


<%= Chart1.GetHtmlTag(670,441,"Auto","Chart1") %>



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