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Scroll Bars and DrillDown

User (Legacy)

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2 problems? 

1. I have created a Gantt Chart with multiple activities, but when the

number of activities gets larger than the defined width it drops the labels.

I have the scroll bars turned on, but they are not being displayed.

2. I am also trying to do a drilldown on each bar. I have set the flags to

RELOAD. I am using the region.asp sample file. for the new chart. The

problem is that it is opening up in a new window rather than replacing the

current chart. Also, in reading the documentation I thought that there was a

way to reload the previous chart.

Here is my source code for the test...

Any help will be greatly appreciated.




<title>Gantt Chart Tests</title>

<!-- #include virtual="/Include/CfxIE.inc" -->

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript>


// --- helpmaster.js

// --- by Josef Becker, Mediendidaktische Beratung

// --- http://www.helpmaster.com

// --- popupon and popupoff base on a script written by Andrew Castles bound

to use with Dreamweaver 1.2

// --- http://www.arrakis.es/~andrewc/downloads/archives/tooltipdemo.htm

function popupon(text, eventObj)


ieLayer = 'document.all[\'popup\']';

nnLayer = 'document.layers[\'popup\']';

borderColor = '#000000';

bgColor = '#ffffcc';

border = 1;

padding = 3;

xOffset = 3;

yOffset = 3;

Font = 'face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2';

if (!(document.all || document.layers)) return;

if (null != document.all) document.popup = eval(ieLayer); else document.popup = eval(nnLayer);

var table = "";

var bigTable = ""; // Workaround for Netscape

if (null != document.all)

{ // If IE4+

table += "<table bgcolor= "+ bgColor +" border= "+ border +" cellpadding= "+ padding +" cellspacing=0>";

table += "<tr><td>";

table += "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding="+ padding +">";

table += "<tr><td bgcolor= "+ bgColor +"><font "+ Font +">" + text + "</font></td></tr>";

table += "</table></td></tr></table>"



{ // If NN4+


le += "<table cellpadding="+ padding +" border="+ border +" cellspacing=0

bordercolor="+ borderColor +">";

bigTable += "<table width="+(document.width - xOffset -

eventObj.layerX - 30)+"cellpadding="+ padding +" border="+ border +"

cellspacing=0 bordercolor="+ borderColor +">";

table += "<tr><td bgcolor="+ bgColor +"><font "+ Font +">" + text +


bigTable += "<tr><td bgcolor="+ bgColor +"><font "+ Font +">" + text +



if (null != document.all)

{ // If IE4+

document.popup.innerHTML = table;

document.popup.style.left = eventObj.x + xOffset;

document.popup.style.top = eventObj.y + yOffset;

document.popup.style.visibility = "visible";



{ // If NN4+




if ((document.popup.document.width + xOffset + eventObj.layerX) >


{ // If the layer runs off the right hand side





document.popup.left = eventObj.layerX + xOffset;

document.popup.top = eventObj.layerY + yOffset;

document.popup.visibility = "visible";



function popupoff()


if (!(document.all || document.layers)) return;

if (null == document.popup) {

} else if (null != document.all)

document.popup.style.visibility = "hidden";


document.popup.visibility = "hidden";

document.popup = null;






Set chartfx1 = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer")

With ChartFX1

'DrillDown Test

.URL(0) = "Region.asp"


.URLParamMask = "Region=%l"


.MultipleColors = True

.Gallery = GANTT

.Chart3D = True ' 3D won't look overlapped

.Cluster = True ' All segments in the same line

'Changes Bar color for a particular series

.OpenDataEx COD_COLORS,14,0

.Color(0) = RGB(255,0,0)

.Color(1) = RGB(255,0,0) 'Red

.Color(2) = RGB(255,255,0)

.Color(3) = RGB(255,0,0)

.Color(4) = RGB(255,255,0)

.Color(5) = RGB(255,0,0)

.Color(6) = RGB(255,0,0)

.Color(7) = RGB(255,255,0)

.Color(8) = RGB(255,0,0)

.Color(9) = RGB(255,0,0)

.Color(10) = RGB(0,255,0) 'Green

.Color(11) = RGB(255,0,0)

.Color(12) = RGB(0,255,0)

.Color(13) = RGB(255,255,0) 'Yellow


.OpenDataEx COD_VALUES, 1, 12

.OpenDataEx COD_INIVALUES, 1, 12

' Set up Y-Axis (bottom) for Date display

With .Axis(AXIS_Y)

.Format = "dM/dd"

.Min = CDate("5/1/00")

.Max = CDate("6/1/01")

.Step = 30 'Month

.Grid = True

End With

.Legend(0) = "Line 0"

.IniValueEx(0, 0) = CDate("05/1/01")

.ValueEx(0, 0) = CDate("06/1/01")

.Legend(1) = "Line 1"

.IniValueEx(0, 1) = CDate("03/1/01")

.ValueEx(0, 1) = CDate("05/1/01")

.Legend(2) = "Line 2"

.IniValueEx(0, 2) = CDate("01/1/01")

.ValueEx(0, 2) = CDate("02/28/01")

.Legend(3) = "Line 3"

.IniValueEx(0, 3) = CDate("01/1/01")

.ValueEx(0, 3) = CDate("02/28/01")

.Legend(4) = "Line 4"

.IniValueEx(0, 4) = CDate("11/1/00")

.ValueEx(0, 4) = CDate("12/31/00")

.Legend(5) = "Line 5"

.IniValueEx(0, 5) = CDate("09/1/00")

.ValueEx(0, 5) = CDate("10/31/00")

.Legend(6) = "Line 6"

.IniValueEx(0, 6) = CDate("05/1/00")

.ValueEx(0, 6) = CDate("10/19/00")

.Legend(7) = "Line 7"

.IniValueEx(0, 7) = CDate("08/10/00")

.ValueEx(0, 7) = CDate("08/31/00")

.Legend(8) = "Line 8"

.IniValueEx(0, 8) = CDate("08/1/00")

.ValueEx(0, 8) = CDate("08/20/00")

.Legend(9) = "Line 9"

.IniValueEx(0, 9) = CDate("06/1/00")

.ValueEx(0, 9) = CDate("07/10/00")

.Legend(10) = "Line 10"

.IniValueEx(0, 10) = CDate("05/15/00")

.ValueEx(0, 10) = CDate("010/16/00")

.Legend(11) = "Line 11"

.IniValueEx(0, 11) = CDate("05/1/00")

.ValueEx(0, 11) = CDate("05/31/00")

.Legend(12) = "Line 12"

.IniValueEx(0, 12) = CDate("05/15/00")

.ValueEx(0, 12) = CDate("07/16/00")

.Legend(13) = "Line 13"

.IniValueEx(0, 13) = CDate("05/1/00")

.ValueEx(0, 13) = CDate("09/30/00")



.Axis(AXIS_Y).Style = .Axis(AXIS_Y).Style Or AS_2LEVELS

.TipMask = "Value: %v. Percentage %p"

.Scrollable = TRUE

.Axis(AXIS_X).SetScrollView 80,100

.ShowTips = true



End With


<div id="popup" style="position:absolute; z-index:1;


<%= chartFX1.GetHtmlTag(550,275) %>



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