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Posts posted by KRO

  1. Hi,

    In a ChartFX where the x-axis is datetime.

    I have added a serie of data with timestamp and a value. When i add a datacollection with a daylight savings time ( one of the hours is there twice, 25 hour collection ), the tooltip won't work. It doesn't crash, it just won't show.

    If I show a graph with a 24 hour collection it works fine.

    I suspect is has something to do with the TooltipConnectedStyle.Closest style.

    Anyone know if this Is this a bug? Or has anyone a workaround?

    chart.AllSeries.ToolTips.ConnectedStyle = TooltipConnectedStyle.Closest;

    I have also templated the tooltips:

    chart.AllSeries.ToolTips.Template = MyTemplate;



  2. Hi,

    I think i finally figured this out..

    By setting the stacked flag on the serie, the serie is stacked to the serie which was previously added to the chart.Even though the series cannot stack, because one is step and another is Area, The axis will scale the area as the series was stacked.This scaling does'n look for stacked series at the same axis, but only in the order in which they were added.If i change the order the series are added to the chart. It will scale correctly.  


  3. Hi

    I finally managed to reproduce it.Try to hide a serie by clicking at it. And the use the buttons to hide/show all axis+legendbox.

    Look at the title at the axis. Eg. try to hide the first one, click the hide button, then show all. And watch axisY0.


  4. Hi

    I got a question about scaling chartArea.If i got 2 series where one series is set to stacked and uses the first Y-axis, and the other is NotStacked and uses the second Yaxis.Then the chart area makes room for the total value of the 2 graphs. But shouldn't it be per. axis? So that is is possible to have stacked graphs using one axis and normal (line or step) graphs using another axis?

    I have attacked a example illustrating it. It is the "TestChartScaling".

    Shouldn't the stacked graph on the second axis fill the entire area? And the step graph? As they are using different axis.


  5. Hi

    I tried your example, and can't seem to reproduce it either. I must have something to do with our complex setup.We have a lot of logic creating axis and series dynamically. I will try to reproduce it in a simpler setup (if possible).


  6. Hi

    I haven't been able to reproduce the issue in my test app.If  I eventually succeed in reproduceing it ( in a simple test app) I will post it.But for the moment I will leave it. As i found the workaround  by adding an empty SeriesAttributes, before my itemsSource binding.

    SeriesAttributes lines = new SeriesAttributes();chart.Series.Add(lines);



  7. Hi JuanC

    Thank you  for your reply.We are using line serie as gallery type. Do you have an example of an custom gallery template? Yes we are using the,  Motifs:Simple.ChartTemplate

    How can you make a shape around a serie?


  8. Hi

    I am trying to hide all the axes and the legendbox. With the following lines of code:


    foreach (var serie in testChart.Series){serie.AxisY.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;}

    testChart.LegendBox.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;

     I got a chart with multiple series and 3 Y-axis (1 near and 2 far). If i check all series, then the third y-axis leaves a gap. It looks like it doesn't collapse the title area.

    When i try to show the axis again, see the code line below: 

    testChart.LegendBox.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;

    foreach (var serie in testChart.Series){

    serie.AxisY.Visibility = serie.Visibility;



     It does not show the axis, only the label.

    How do i collapse all the axis with titles?

    How do i show all the series with axes, so that my checkbox legends still work?



  9. Hello

    Is it possible to increase the area around the serie where the tooltip pops up?Is it possible to specify a margin where the cursor enter within that area triggers the serie tooltip?Our series are thin so it is very hard to hit the serie, to display the tooltip.

    It is not possible to increase the thickness of the serie because there are multible series and it would make it impossible to distinguish the series.We set the tooltip in code.

    localChart.AllSeries.ToolTips.ConnectedStyle =

    TooltipConnectedStyle.Closest;DataTemplate dTemplate = (DataTemplate) FindResource("RichContentToolTipWithDay");localChart.AllSeries.ToolTips.Template = dTemplate;

    <DataTemplate x:Key="RichContentToolTipWithDay"><Grid><Grid.ColumnDefinitions><ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" /></Grid.ColumnDefinitions><Grid.RowDefinitions><RowDefinition Height="Auto" /><RowDefinition Height="Auto" /><RowDefinition Height="Auto" /></Grid.RowDefinitions><TextBlock Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" x:Name="SeriesText" Text="{Binding Path=Content}"></TextBlock><TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" x:Name="DateText" Text="{Binding Path=DataItem.TimeStamp, Converter={StaticResource defaultToStringConverter}, ConverterParameter='\{0:dd/MM HH:mm\}'}" /><StackPanel Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="0" Orientation="Horizontal"><TextBlock x:Name="ValText" Text="{Binding Path=DataItem.Value, Converter={StaticResource defaultToStringConverter}, ConverterParameter='\{0:0.00\}'}"/> </StackPanel></Grid></DataTemplate>




  10. Hi,

    We are using a listtransform.

    And we got some more logic behind, as we are binding the Chart to a grid, so that the Chart will update when the grid does.

     MyDataObject : ObservableCollection<IDateValue>



    public new IEnumerable<IDateValue> Items {get; set;}

    public string Name {get; set;}



    <WPF:Chart Margin="10" Name="chart" Gallery="Step" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=ItemsSource, ElementName=controlRoot}" UseEffects="False" UseVisuals="True">


    <Data:ListTransform ColumnPath="Items" ValuePath="Value" SeriesPath="Name"></Data:ListTransform>





    <WPF:AxisLabelAttributes BindingPath="Date" />





     I will try to create a sample app which illustrates the issue.


  11. Hello

    I have recently installed the hotfix with version 8.0.4125.19001.

    I use the motifs: <Setter Property="Template" Value="{x:Static cfxMotifs:Simple.ChartTemplate}"/>

    And: chart.Palette = Palettes.Primary;

    After the hotfix some initiliazed values has changed. I have a chart where set the itemsSource to an ObservableCollection<MyDataObject>().

    MyDataObject : ObservableCollection<IDateValue>





    public interface IDateValue


      DateTime Date { get; set; }

      double Value { get; set; }


    Before the hotfix my series had different colors without doing any coloring. After the hotfix the color of all the series changed to Red.

    If I add an empty SeriesAttributes, the original behavior re-appears.

    SeriesAttributes lines = new SeriesAttributes();


    Has some initalized values changed?

    How do i set the color for each bound series? 








  12. Hello

    I have a problem with aligning different charts or panes. I have tried several different approaches but nothing seems to work. Both with multiple charts and with multiple panes.

    I have several different series which uses different YAxis. With these series in different charts it is impossible to align them. The series use the same XAxis.

    I wan't to align the chartarea so that the time on my XAxis align with all charts. But Axes title seems to "push" the chart. Also different amount of Yaxis will change the size of that specific chart's chartarea.

    Is there a way to set the size of the chartarea to a specific size?

    Is it possible to get the size of the area, the axis uses?

    How can i align different charts/panes to the same Xaxis?

    I have attached an image which displays my problem.

    Anyone know how to do this?










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