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Posts posted by pshaw

  1. In the doc, under refresh parameter it states

    If the command returns a single value per each series, the chart will add a
    new point to the end
    . Otherwise, the whole chart data is replaced with the new

     I'm doing some analysis on the frequency of distinct live generated system alerts that are logged into a database, and sometimes my sql query will come back with only 1 value, and that's normal, however I don't want it to scroll and create new points in my bar graph, but rather update. Is there a way to disable this behavior while still using refresh?

  2. I'm a newb, and i'm trying to set the background color of a chart so that it changes if the value being graphed falls out of baseline

    #--file foo.ps1 

    $backcolor = 'Orange' 

    $obj = new-object System.Object 

    add-member -inputobject $obj -membertype NoteProperty -Name backcolor -value $backcolor


    #--file launch.ps1

    .\foo.ps1 | out-chart -values currentvalue -template foochart -PlotAreaColor {$_.backcolor}

    It's throwing a WARNING: $_backcolor is not a valid value for Int32 when run .\launch.ps1




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