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Posts posted by TatianaG

  1. You can add a white space between the points (sleeves) of a pie chart by setting the SeparateSlice property:

    <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


    //To separate the first slice of each series by 50%:

    Chart1.Points[0].SeparateSlice = 50;

    //To separate the first slice of the 2nd series by 50%:

    Chart1.Points[1,0].SeparateSlice = 50;

    //To separate all slices of the 1st series:

    Chart1.Series[0].SeparateSlice = 50;



  2. Bar charts only support categorical X-Axis, so regardless of your X-Values, the attachment position must be expressed as an index in the X-Axis (0 for the first point, 1 for the second, etc.). In a line chart, the X-Axis is not categorical (if X-Values are passed) and therefore the attachment position is dependent on the X-Value and not on the point index.

    ChartReport.Gallery = Gallery .Lines ;

    Annotations annots = new Annotations ();


    annots.EnableUI = true ;

    annots.ToolBar.Visible = true ;

    AnnotationText text = new AnnotationText ( "Katrina" );

    text.Attach(2, 10);

    text.Color = Color .LightBlue;

    text.PlotAreaOnly = true ;

    text.AllowMove = false ;



  3. Bar charts only support categorical X-Axis, so regardless of your X-Values, the attachment position must be expressed as an index in the X-Axis (0 for the first point, 1 for the second, etc.). In a line chart, the X-Axis is not categorical (if X-Values are passed) and therefore the attachment position is dependent on the X-Value and not on the point index.

    ChartReport.Gallery = Gallery .Lines ;

    Annotations annots = new Annotations ();


    annots.EnableUI = true ;

    annots.ToolBar.Visible = true ;

    AnnotationText text = new AnnotationText ( "Katrina" );

    text.Attach(2, 10);

    text.Color = Color .LightBlue;

    text.PlotAreaOnly = true ;

    text.AllowMove = false ;



  4. You can use the URL property of the Annotation:

    Annotations annots = new Annotations();



    AnnotationText text = new AnnotationText("My annotation");

    text.Attach(2, 3);

    text.Color = Color.Red;

    text.PlotAreaOnly =

    true;text.AllowMove = false;

    text.Link.Url =



  5. I am afraid that the manipulation of the Series LegendBox is also very limited. It is not possible to configure a gap between items. On the other hand, ChartFX provides the UserLegendBox object that allows you to customize the Legend Box. I believe that by using this object, you will be able to add a Separator label and maybe even create a space between the two groups by creating an invisible Item. Please note that the drawback of using the UserLegendBox is that it is completely independent from values in the chart and therefore you will not be able to highlight series when hovering over the legend.

  6. Where are you setting the Pallete property?

    I created a simple sample. Manually I set the Pallete property to Nature.Sky (in the Properties window) and then changed it in code as bellow:

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


    chart1.Data.Series = 1;

    chart1.Data.Points = 3;

    chart1.Gallery = Gallery.Pie;


    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


    chart1.Palette = "Default";


    It works just fine! Please let me know if works for you.

  7. You can add a TrackBar to your form and use the following code to scroll through the graph:

    <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    private void trackBar1_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)


    chart1.AxisX.ScrollPosition = trackBar1.Value;


    Also add this line within the Form Load:

    trackBar1.Maximum = chart1.NValues; //or you can use (int)chart1.AxisX.Max if you previously set this value to your chart.
  8. Ooops, I didn't see this one was the 6.2 forum. Sorry!! In fact ChartFX for .Net 6.2 doesn't use PSS.

    Please check the following articles in our support site

    Q6141001. Security settings required by the .NET client control

    Q6121017. Troubleshooting the Client Component of ChartFX.Net

  9. You can format tooltips for Financial Extensions. Just remember that each Chart type is different from the other one and some charts display a kind of data that won't be shown in other charts.

    If you try the following variables, they will work fine:

    Chart1.ToolTipFormat =

    "The series legend is: " + "%s";

    Chart1.ToolTipFormat =

    "The series index is: " + "%S";

    Chart1.ToolTipFormat =

    "The data value is: " + "%v";

    Chart1.ToolTipFormat =

    "The Sum of all points in this series is: " + "%t";

    Chart1.ToolTipFormat =

    "The Sum of all series for this point is: " + "%T";

    Chart1.ToolTipFormat =

    "The index for this point is: " + "%N";



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