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Posts posted by apaje

  1. Thanks for the response, I will definitely give that a try.  What I ended up doing was using the Click event to get the ID.  Since I really need to stay on the same page, a postback works fine, although I might try your suggestion in case we decide to use a javascript call and make it more asynchronous.

    void Chart1_Click(object sender, HitTestEventArgs e){int point = e.Point;string idString = ((ChartFX.WebForms.Chart)(sender)).Points[point].Tag.ToString();}

    I do have another question though related.  In a stacked chart, I have multiple series linked by a common ID.  The click event is only triggered when clicking on a bar in the chart.  Is it possible to make the labels below the axis for the related stacked bars a link?  I cannot find way to do this.  The applicability in our case is for seeing the underlying data for the related stacked bars in a grid when clicking this link.


  2. Hi, I am trying to customize the link for each bar in my stacked bar chart.  Using the Parameters $N and $S I can get the point and series values respectively.  What I need is to pass in the guid ID value I have that is part of my DataTable datasource, but I fear that the ID is never included anywhere in the rendered code and I cannot find a way to get this ID as a parameter to set in my link.url value.

    For a little more background, we have a ChartFX7 license, my chart is rendered as an image and is bound to a DataTable with columns: ID, number, Series1, Series2, Series3, Series4.  The actual values would look like this:

    GuidID1, 24, A, null, null, null

    GuidID1, 2, null, null, C, null

    In the code behind I am setting the link.url property for my points, but I need to pass the ID value as a parameter to destination.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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