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Posts posted by jpeddy

  1. I have a number of AxisSections on a chart.  They appear in the LegendBox and when one hovers over one in the LB, that section becomes highlighted on the chart as it should.  However, if I change the text color of the section by right-clicking on the section and using the Text Color menu, then upon returning to the legend box to hover over an item and cause highlighting, a null reference exception occurs.  I have attached an example project in which this behavior can be explored.


  2. I've had a lot of problems with the chart hanging when I manually set the min, max, and step.  I have attached a very simple example that causes this.  Could anyone tell me what settings to change or exactly what to test for prior to setting these values to prevent the hanging?  It has become a frequent problem in my applications.




  3. Hello,

     I am using 7.0.2664.18481 of the WinForms Chart control and am experiencing what seems like odd behavior.  I issue the code line shown below in order to disable control of the Gallary via each of the tool-bar and pop-up menus.  The problem that I am having is that if I right click on an actual series, the Gallery buttons (in all places) become re-enabled and remain re-enabled from then on.  This does not seem like the correct behavior.  Is there some way to prevent it?

     To reproduce, simply drop a chart on a form and put the following line in the OnLoad method.

    Me.Chart1.Commands(ChartFX.WinForms.CommandId.Gallery).Enabled = False

    The right click in empty space and you'll see that the gallery is disabled.  Then, right click on a series and it is now enabled not only in the pop-up menu but also on the toolbar if that is visible.  Any help is appreciated.



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