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Posts posted by RandyJ

  1. Hi,

    To add a series dynamically you first need to increase the number of series:


    The Series Attributes collection is automatically synchronized with the number of series in the data.

    Then you will have to add the items in the collection:


    for (int i = 0; i < chart1.Data.Points; i++)


      chart1.Data[newSeries, i] = ran.NextDouble() * 100;


    Hope this helps.


  2. Hi,

    What kind of issues are you experiencing? Have you installed the product on the new machine? Please note that you need to uninstall the trial version from the current machine and then install it on the new one. You should be able to move the trial version by following this procedure. This, however, will not reset the 30 days evaluation period.

    Let me know about your findings.


  3. Hi, 

    If you want to show the original double type value (without specifying a fixed number of decimals), you can use the GetTip Event to create a custom tooltip. Take a look at the following sample:private void chart1_GetTip(object sender, GetTipEventArgs e){ if (e.HitType == HitType.Point)  {   e.Text = chart1.Data[0, e.Point].ToString(); }}

    Alternatively, you can use the DataFormat property to specify the number of decimals:

    chart1.AxisY.DataFormat.Decimals = 2;

    Note: Using the DataFormat property will also specify the number of decimals for the pointlabels.

    Hope this helps,

  4. Hi,

    The problem is related to the fact that you are trying to combine an XY chart (which has a numerical axis), with a non-x/y chart (which has a categorical axis). Using XY charts will prevent you from combining the gallery with any non-x/y charts (e.g., bar charts, gantt, etc.), as X-Values can be used only in some galleries such as LINES, AREA, CURVE, STEP, SCATTER, SURFACE, CONTOUR. Please note that an unexpected behavior may be experienced when attempting to perform a non-supported combination.

    Additionally please note that, by design, Gantt, Surface and Contour galleries can't be combined with other chart types.



  5. Hi,

    You can use the valueToPixel method. This method convert a logical chart value to its position in pixels for a selected axis.

    chart1.getAxisX().valueToPixel(double dValue)

    When positioning annotation objects in the chart area, you may want to convert a particular position in the chart area given in axis units to screen coordinates (pixels). Therefore, this method is particularly useful for this purpose.


    Randy Jimenez


  6. Hi, 

    Each series exposes its own gallery property which allows you to define a gallery type for that particular series. 

    Applying this property to a specific series will create a MultiType chart, where different Chart Types can be combined in the same chart.

    You must be careful of the chart types you select to combine as not all of them will produce desirable results. For example, combining a chart that does not have numerical axis (e.g. Pie Chart) with a chart that has a numerical axis (e.g. Line Chart) will produce a chart that can't be read by the end user.

    A rule of thumb is that you can combine axis charts with similar types and non-axis charts with similar types, as follows:

    Axis Charts: Lines, Bar, Curve, Scatter, Area, Step, HiLowClose, Cube, Bubble, CandleStick, CurveArea, OpenHiLowClose, Pareto.

    Non-axis charts: Pie, Radar, DoughNut, Pyramid

    Note: Gantt, Surface and Contour can't be combined with other chart types

    Please take a look at the following sample I have created for you:

    chart1.Data.Series = 2;chart1.Data.Points = 10;

    Random ran = new Random();for (int i = 0; i < chart1.Data.Series; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < chart1.Data.Points; j++)  {   chart1.Data[i, j] = ran.NextDouble() * 100; }}chart1.Series[0].Gallery = Gallery.Bar;chart1.Series[1].Gallery = Gallery.Lines;chart1.Series[1].BringToFront();


  7. Hi, 

    Unfortunately there is no support for the xyz charts. There is only support for xy charts and you are only able to pass x and y values to the chart. Although Chart FX allows you to set a 3D look to your bar charts, please note that it will always use two dimensional data (as 3D is a visual effect that can be turned off). A feature called clustering is indeed available in Chart FX (normally used in 3D bar charts), and this effect allows you to change your chart perspective so that the data is extended in the third dimension and it will be shown as clusters displayed in the foreground. This charting option is useful when Z-axis bars are hard to distinguish in standard bar formats. When you create a clustered bar chart, you need more than one series and each series occupies its own position along the Z-axis data.


  8. Hi,

    This can be done by handling the GetTip event and setting the tip text to null if HitType is AxisSection. Here is the sample code. Let me know if it works for you.

    Adding the event handler on Form_Load:

    chart1.GetTip += new GetTipEventHandler (chart1_GetTip);

    And here is what the event looks like.

    void chart1_GetTip( object sender, GetTipEventArgs e) {   if (e.HitType == HitType .AxisSection) {   e.Text = null ; } }



  9. Hi,

    <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    It is indeed possible to replace Y-axis labels with text. However, there's a trick to using custom labels on a numerical axis that is best described using a real case scenario. For example, assume there is a numerical axis ranging from 0 to 100 with a step of 20.

    You'll end up with a chart with 6 tick marks on the axis (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100). If this chart is to be used to display "customer satisfaction" ratings where:

    0 = Very poor

    20 = Poor

    40 = Average

    60 = Good

    80 = Very Good

    100 = Excellent

    The numerical axis will then display numbers that have no meaning to the user in this context. The following code will let you replace numbers with labels:


    Axis axis = chart1.getAxisY();

    axis.getLabel().setItem(0, "Very Poor");

    axis.getLabel().setItem(1, "Poor");

    axis.getLabel().setItem(2, "Average");

    axis.getLabel().setItem(3, "Good");

    axis.getLabel().setItem(4, "Very Good");

    axis.getLabel().setItem(5, "Excellent");


    However, please note that in a numerical axis the index specified in the Label property does not truly identify where the label should be placed. The LabelValue property allows you to specify where those labels should be placed in a numerical axis, so if you specify a LabelValue of 20 as follows:


    chart1.getAxisY().setLabelValue((short) 20);


    Each label will be placed exactly where you intended it to be on the numerical axis as depicted in the following figure:

    Posted Image

    As for images, I am afraid that Y-axis labels cannot be replaced with images. However, as a workaround you can achieve a similar effect by creating annotations and placing them at specific points in the chart.


  10. Hi Partha,

    If you want your X Axis to start at a specific number (not zero) you just need to use the Axis.Min property, which defines the minimum value of a selected axis.


    To set the Min value of the primary Y axis to 10:

    Chart1.AxisX.Min = 10


  11. Great! I am glad to know the problem has been solved. I would appreciate your posting a sample showing the way you wanted the labels to be displayed (inverted). If possible I would greatly appreciate your sharing the solution you found here, so that it can be used as a reference for other users having the same problem. 

  12. Hi, 

    This is not a common problem and we will need to replicate it on our side. Could you please send us an email to support at softwarefx dot com and provide us with the simplest form of the code (small compilable sample) that reproduces the problem? Since other lines of code could be causing the problem, please isolate the sample including only the code that replicates the issue in question. Please remove the extra-code that is not related to Chart FX so we can focus on the problem itself.


  13. Hi,

    In Chart FX Gauges for Java you can set tooltips for each Indicator and for the rest of the Gauge.

    Here is an example:

    // Setting the Main Indicator:com.softwarefx.chartfx.gauge.Filler filler1 =(com.softwarefx.chartfx.gauge.Filler) gauge.getMainIndicator();filler1.setValue("75");filler1.setToolTip("The Value is %v");

    // Setting tooltip for Gaugegauge.setToolTip("This is the Gauge...");

    This code will set a tooltip "The value is 75" in the Indicator, and "This is the Gauge" for the rest of the Gauge image.

    If you are not able to see the tooltip, please note that you may need to modify a configuration setting.  Open the chartfx.gauge.config in your CfxGauges10\config, and change the setting UseToStringForToolTip to false.  This should be the default, but it may have been set to true by mistake.


  14. Hi Mathieu,

    I have not been able to replicate the issue. The first time I hit "Copy as a Bitmap" or "Copy as a Metafile" and paste it in Word, the chart is pasted and displayed as expected. I am using the same version (7.0.3656.30235).

    We will need to replicate the problem you are experiencing on our side. Please send us an email to support at softwarefx dot com and provide us with the simplest form of the code (small compilable sample) that reproduces the problem. Since other lines of code could be causing the problem, please isolate the sample including only the code that replicates the issue in question. Please remove the extra-code that is not related to Chart FX so we can focus on the problem itself.


  15. Hi Tony,

    We will need to replicate the problem you are experiencing on our side. Please send us an email to support at softwarefx dot com and provide us with the simplest form of the code (small compilable sample) that reproduces the problem. Since other lines of code could be causing the problem, please isolate the sample including only the code that replicates the issue in question. Please remove the extra-code that is not related to Chart FX so we can focus on the problem itself.



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