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Posts posted by JeremyVnc

  1. Hello,

    I'm building a line chart with 1-7 series on it in VS2010. In the design editor, I see two series and they look as I would expect with a line connecting each of the markers. I run the website and all I get is markers. The legend shows a line with a marker but the line itself doesn't show a line. If I set visible to false for the markers, I get no lines or markers (ie nothing at all except for the axis and legend).

    Can anyone help me?

  2. Hello,

    I have a server that has been running ChartFX 6.2 Internet for the past three years with no issue and just today every page with a chart on it will crash with the exception occurring on: 'chart.GetHtmlTag'  I'm using ActiveX as my output method type.

    Does anyone have any ideas what I should do to fix this?  Right now I'm emptying out the temp folder (137,000+ files at 631Mb).  Should I reinstall chartfx?

     Please help me!


  3.  I have a web form application that has a handful of charts.  All the charts work great on my development machine and on another server running ChartFX 7.  When I installed chartfx 7 on this new machine and moved my application over.  The pages work except for the charts.  All the charts show up as missing or broken images.  When I go to the chartFX70/temp folder on the server, it is empty.

    When I go to the IIS application pool, it is missing the PSS application. Also, on the other server, the chartfx70 folder shows up with a little planet-folder icon where on my server, it doesn't.  I have tried to reinstall chartfx7 many times and it still gives me the same issue. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong or how to make the PSS application manually?



  4. Hello all, I have a problem that would seem to easy to its just not there for me.  I have a Pareto chart, that I am manually populating from counts out of a database.  For every entry, I have a X axis label that corresponds to the count.  All of that works great but now I've been asked to change the font to bold or to change the color or something to that effect to the label when the label contains a certain value (ie. "Coffee Beans").  Now, I can do everything up to the point of changing the formatting of the label.  I can find the label containing "Coffee Beans" but I can't do anything with it.

    The only thing I could find was Axis.Sections.TextColor  but that didn't seem to work right.

    Could you help me?


  5.  Computer Info:

    New Dell Latitude LaptopWindows XP SP3VS 2005 Pro2.5 GHz Processor2GB RAM

    Sorry for the double post, just thought a little more info might be useful. Also, the error is a windows error: "Chart FX 7 installation has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." It happens less than 5 seconds after opening the file, even before I can hit any buttons.

    I also tried to redownload the file from your site. It did the same thing.


    > .Net - Doesnt work with Firefox, Chart over menus.

    Yes. FireFox doesn't support .NET controls. In IE .NET Client will be on top of every other DOM element as I explained in my previous post.

     Why do my charts from 6.2 that output in ActiveX not overlay themselves over the same menus as I use now?


    > All others - Everytime I mouse over a bar, title, basically anything on the chart, it gives me a script error in IE6 & IE7. Menus work fine though.
    Check your image settings. What's the ToolTipFormat set to?

    Can you please post a WebForm page that reproduces the problem.

    ImageSettings-ToolTips="WithMouse"  <--  Is this what you are talking about?  Otherwise, I have not set anything so it would be default.


  7.  Im rendering the charts in auto due to the problems Im having in rendering in any one specific one.  Im used to ChartFX 6.2 Internet under ActiveX.  On those pages (different webservers), the charts would be under the menu items. Those were just divs that were hidden until someone hovered over them.

    Here are the problems I am having with the rendering formats and their respective browsers:

    • .Net - Doesnt work with Firefox, Chart over menus.
    • All others - Everytime I mouse over a bar, title, basically anything on the chart, it gives me a script error in IE6 & IE7. Menus work fine though.

    Any ideas?



  8. I'm having quite a bit of trouble getting my point's or bar's links to work (ie.  when you click on a bar in the chart it redirects the user to another page).  I'm making these ASP.NET pages robust enough to work in Firefox, IE 6, and IE 7.  I have the rendering set to auto.  The links work in FF but not in IE 6 or 7.  Below is one of my charts and the code behind related to it:

    <chartfx7:Chart id="Chart1" runat="server" highlight-speed="Fast" allseries-pointlabels-alignment="Center" allseries-pointlabels-linealignment="Center" allseries-pointlabels-textcolor="White" allseries-pointlabels-visible="true" axisy-title-alignment="Center" axisy-title-linealignment="Center" axisy-title-richtext="true" axisy-title-text="Number of Rejects" allseries-border-effect="Shadow" toolbar-border="None" toolbar-dock="Bottom" imagesettings-tooltips="WithMouse" renderformat="auto" randomdata-series="2" randomdata-points="3" plotareamargin-top="10" width="600px">
                                <chartfxadornments:ImageBorder assemblyname="ChartFX.WebForms.Adornments" type="Emboss">
                                <chartfxadornments:GradientBackground assemblyname="ChartFX.WebForms.Adornments" colorfrom="224, 224, 224" effectarea="80" type="Horizontal">
                            <AllSeries gallery="Gantt" border-effect="Raised" fillmode="Gradient" pointlabels-visible="True" pointlabels-linealignment="far" pointlabels-textcolor="Black"></AllSeries>
                            <legendbox border="none" dock="bottom" visible="false"></legendbox>
                            <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes color="0, 0, 132" alternatecolor="50, 120, 193"></chartfx7:SeriesAttributes>
                            <ToolBar visible="True" dock="Bottom"></ToolBar>
                            <chartfx7:TitleDockable text="Test Rejects" font="Arial, 12pt, style=Bold"></chartfx7:TitleDockable>

    ChartFX.WebForms.Link PointAttrLink;
    ChartFX.WebForms.Axis Axis = Chart1.AxisX;
            Chart1.Data.Series = 1;
            string OptionalSQL = "";
            if (TesterDD.SelectedValue != "All")
                OptionalSQL += "AND Station = " + TesterDD.SelectedValue;
            if (LineDD.SelectedValue != "All")
                OptionalSQL += " AND Line = '" + LineDD.SelectedValue + "'";
            string sSQL = "SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT COUNT(dbo.TestResult.TestCode) AS num, dbo.TestCode.Description, TestCode.TestCode FROM TestResult INNER JOIN TestCode ON TestResult.TestCode = TestCode.TestCode INNER JOIN UnitTested ON TestResult.Serial = UnitTested.Serial";
            sSQL += " WHERE (TestResult.Pass <> '1') AND TestResult.TestDateTime >= '" + Date1.Text + "' AND TestResult.TestDateTime <= '" + Date2.Text + "' AND UnitTested.Model Like '"+ Model.Text + "' " + OptionalSQL;
            sSQL += " GROUP BY TestCode.Description, TestCode.TestCode ORDER BY num";
            DataTable dt = SQLSelect(sSQL);
            int i = 0;
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                Chart1.Data[0, i] = double.Parse(dr["num"].ToString());
                PointAttrLink = Chart1.Points[0, i].Link;
                PointAttrLink.Url = "TestResult.aspx?TestCode=" + dr["TestCode"].ToString();
                Axis.Labels[i] = dr["TestCode"].ToString() + " - " + dr["Description"].ToString();;
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