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Posts posted by cmorrall

  1. I recently upgraded to PowerShell 2.0 on my WIndows XP box. A script that previously worked now does not.

    The script is a simple test:

    Add-PSSnapin PowerGadgets

    get-wmiobject Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor | where {$_.Name -eq "_Total"} | select InterruptsPersec,PercentProcessorTime,PercentInterruptTime,PercentPrivilegedTime,PercentUserTime | out-gauge -refresh 0:0:2 -template test1.pgt -Scales_1_Indicators_0_Value {$_.PercentProcessorTime} -innerGauges_0_RadialGauge_Value {$_.PercentInterruptTime} -innerGauges_1_RadialGauge_Value {$_.PercentPrivilegedTime} -Scales_2_Indicators_0_Value {$_.PercentUserTime}

    This now throws an error:

    Out-Gauge : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    I read something about what's new in PowerShell 2.0


    "Native commands that generate a user interface cannot be piped to the Out-Host cmdlet."

    Could this be related?

  2. I have created a PowerGadgets template with two innerGauges of the radial type. I have successfully bound values to them from a script and the refresh works. However, when specifying an AnimationSpan to 2 seconds the needle moves immediately with no animation delay.

    The AnimationSpan works for the three indicators I have on the large gauge (Main and two more).

  3. I'm sure this works, however the above example relies on the possibility of using "ps $selected" instead of a where construct. I can't use that, I must use where $_.Name -like, the get-wmiobject will not accept a $selected on the end of the Win32 object.

    I've been experimenting with using a temp file with the system name. I can write and read the variable, but so far I've been unsuccessful in getting -Refresh to work.

    $systemname=$args[0]write $systemname > u:\reports\PowerShell\1.tmp$systemname = get-content u:\reports\PowerShell\1.tmp

    get-wmiobject Win32_PerfFormattedData1 -computerName MANAGER| where {$_.Name -like "$systemname*"} | select Name,ReadKBPers,ReadLatencyus,ReadReqPers,WriteKBPers,WriteLatencyus,WriteReqPers | out-chart -Title "$systemname Disk Groups" -Refresh 0:0:10

    The above does not work

  4. Primary script is just one line, altered a few specifics to protect the innocent.

    get-WmiObject Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfCounter 1 -computerName MANAGER | select Name,TotalhostKBPers,TotalhostReqPers | sort Name | out-chart -DrillDown_Script U:\Reports\PowerShell\details.ps1 -DrillDown_Parameter {$_.Name} -Title "Overview" -Refresh 0:0:15

    Drilldown script. It's actually several lines to get all the details, but one line is enough to explain what I want to do.


    get-wmiobject Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfCounter 2-computerName MANAGER | where {$_.Name -like "$systemname*"} | select Name,ReadKBPers,ReadLatencyus,ReadReqPers,WriteKBPers,WriteLatencyus,WriteReqPers | out-chart -Title "$Detail" -Refresh 0:0:10


    After the refresh time ticks, it looks like $systemname is now blank, which means $_.Name -like "$systemname" now matches all names returned by Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfCounter2

  5. I'm experementing with having a master overview of a number of similar systems. If I see one system peaking in load, I want to be able to drill down and look at details on that particular system.

    So far, I've been able to create the overview script, and this is working well with -refresh. I have also been able to create a detail script called by DrillDown_script and DrillDown_parameter. Multiple charts are launched, and it contains the information I want.

    However, I want to keep refreshing the detail charts as well, as I monitor the system I have drilled down to. But it seems like on each refresh, $_.Name which I passed on the drilldown is lost. Since I use the $systemname=$args[0] construct, and then use $systemname to get a detailed look at the system in question, on the next refresh all systems are now shown in the detail charts.

    Am I going about this the wrong way, or is this something that simply won't work?

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